Happy Birthday Duey

This topic contains 6 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Adrian Snowden 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #104410


    Happy Birthday Brother.

    Hope your not to water logged after the weekend of fun :woohoo: :woohoo:
    Cells in the wet isn’t that bad :silly:


    PS Im not cleaning your bike :P


    Went past the turn off on the way to port on Saturday and it was pissing down. Thought about you two drowned rats, pissed myself laughing and turned the heater on!
    Hope you had a good one Aaron, did some one give you a real bike for your birthday or are you stuck on the orange steed of shame still?



    Yep happy b day mate unlike the above I didn’t make it to port it was raining and camping sounded crap. So off we went to the farm for the weekend shooting goats.. I have videos but won’t. Post as I don’t want to upset Boony..


    All the very best ya
    An Irish drinkin to ya :silly: :silly: :silly: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :huh:



    Duey, happy birthday .
    Hope you made it out of the cells ok. Fun place in the wet.


    andy29 wrote:
    Yep happy b day mate unlike the above I didn’t make it to port it was raining and camping sounded crap. So off we went to the farm for the weekend shooting goats.. I have videos but won’t. Post as I don’t want to upset Boony..

    Hope you didn’t shoot Baaarbaara she is his favourite.



    thanks for reminding me im getting wiser, 😆 .

    Me & the orange steed had great weekend riding ginger trails, even when things looked up side down. its a shame little bit water put the fear in those blue bikes, the camp fire had a lot good yarns been spun, (alcohol may of helped). :silly: :silly: 😆 .
    See ya on trails.. :woohoo:

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