Happy Birthday Eagle

Home Forums Bull Pit for Members Only Bull Pit for Members Only Happy Birthday Eagle

This topic contains 24 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  dennis da menace 12 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #230212


    Happy birthday eagle have a great day


    Happy birthday old bird we will drink to your healt at nundle! Seriously I’m sure we can delicate at least one of them


    Hope you had a top day EAGLE…
    Happy b day…


    All the best for yesty, mate
    Hope you enjoyed yourself


    Mark Bunting

    G’day Eags Old Boy. Hope you had a top day.

    I’ll raise a glass for you when I knock off work.

    Kfish B)


    happy birthday you Dirty Bird you :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    hope it was good mate


    Ian Kersley

    Happy Birthday Eagle hope you had a great day B)



    Dwayne O

    ;) YEP, Had a great Day , Great 2 WEEKS ACTUALLY :)

    Was away touring from Newy to Geelong across the Great Ocean Road and into South Aus via some offroute roads to Mount Gambier, up thru the Grampians to Echuca and home via Cowra, Bathurst etc etc
    Covered 4000k with the missus & kids, saw some awsome places & things for a change B)

    Sorry I had no real free time to catchup with any VIC or SA Bulls :unsure:

    Cheers All & thanx again for the well wishes & messages


    did you like the GOR eags?


    Dwayne O

    It was great indeed :laugh:

    Also loved the Grampians and Mount Gambier though (I reckon I could live in either real easily) ;)
    The trip was canned last year when the daughter broke her arm and the missus got sick,, this year I crammed a lot in and now have places in mind to revisit and spend more time,,,

    You guys have some real good country down there , I will tell you more at Coffs mate B)

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