Happy Birthday Gob

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  John 14 years, 8 months ago.

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    Ahhhhhhh it only seems like yesterday that i would pin you down and give you the typewriter and then later in life saving your arse from from being belted in pubs and nightclubs. Oh hang on thats still happening. :laugh:

    Have a good day Gob and see you next weekend.

    p.s I’ll never forgive you for hypnotising me chooks. :angry:


    happy birthday Gob you little pinball wizard :laugh: :laugh:

    the big 40 :laugh: suffa :P

    may there be many more ;)

    i wish i was a fly on the wall watching you two grow up :laugh: poor chooks :laugh:


    Adrian Lee

    Happy birthday Brad,hope you have a great day mate.Im still waiting for you to organise a ride up your way :(



    thanks for the birthday wishes boys. :)
    I woke up this morning and found i had some thick wild hair growing out my ears and nose, Bob will find this out in another 5 years.



    Have to invest in hedge clippers and remember the more you cut them the thicker and longer they grow back

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