Happy Birthday Gordo

This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Cris 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #104443

    Hi Mate,
    Have a good birthday and I’ll catch ya on your next ride.
    Cheers Michael


    Hope ya had a good one, old man :whistle: :P :P :P :P


    Happy birthday Gordo, that attempt on the cliff face was the stuff of legends. Looking forward to the next ride with you as you fit in so well with the Nundle goat lovers you could apply for membership.


    Thanks Boys
    Birthdays they do roll on don’t they…… :blink:

    I’m still trying … and havin a ball . 👿

    Snowy I’ll take that as a compliment :whistle: I like goats ;) .
    I think Boze had vision of the hill. If he does I wouldn’t mind seeing it. Maybe I’ll scare myself 😆

    Cheers Gordon



    Happy Birthday that Gordo

    No footage remember I got lost :laugh: Aaron has footage of Tim going up.


    No worries Boze

    Typical do something good no tape. :dry: go arse over UTube form ten different angles :cheer:

    It was a good view and thanks for coming up to help.
    Its funny that the oldest one there was the only other one to assist….. I suppose if Snowy could have finished the climb up he would have too, :P Although by the time he got there he may have just wanted to push me back down :pinch:

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