Happy Birthday Mal 5.1

This topic contains 23 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 15 years, 6 months ago.

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    KylieD wrote:

    Hey Mal – Happy Birthday!

    So what did you get? and please keep it clean.

    Happy Birthday M8 and please don’t listen to Kylie, keep it dirty real dirty. You can take that the right way or the naughty way either way its all good.
    I just wrote that and even I’m confused

    Anyway back on topic, happy birthday.



    G,Day Mal,

    Happy birthday,

    Had a look to see if you share your birthday with someone famous and all i could come up with was John Ritter.

    Ill be opening a beer shortly.cheers.


    Will be cracking a few cold turkeys within the hour Mal
    Probably call ya later :silly:
    Cheers :cheer:



    so can we call you mal4.0 now?

    happy birthdae mal pal

    nope i like mal pal better



    happy birthday mal hope you have a good one


    hey happy birthday baldy :laugh: :laugh:

    see you friday week ;) what are we gonna eat first :laugh: :laugh:


    fatty :P


    Dwayne O

    Many happy returns Mal ;)

    Good luck with the bike too,,,,,, you bringin` the Sherco to Louee then ??? :)

    Cheers mate



    Thanks for the best wishes guys.

    Kylie – Got nothing I can speak of on here :woohoo: . And a new bike a few weeks ago is good enough for me. And bought Donna some flowers today. Nice natives too.

    Twobanger – thanks for heads up about John Ritter :blush: and having a beer myslf now.

    Murph – well we’ll catch up on the weekend.

    Champo – mushrooms ripened at your place mate!! mal pal, thanks mate.

    Menace(fatty) – we’re gonna eat an animal that was alive and now dead. Bring the mixed grill. :woohoo:

    Eagle – I was going to bring both bikes, but not sure if the Husky will be ready. :(



    you have about 40 min left mal pal
    live it up

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