Happy happy birthday

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mick D 14 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #99371

    Happy Birthday Scott (badbowie)
    Have a bloody good one mate

    The rain gods have been kind to us for todays ride so I hope you get lucky with whatever you get up to today :woohoo:

    Murph (Roy)



    Happy birthday Badbowie.

    Have a good day mate and don’t go to work. :)




    Happy Birthday you Yammie rider you :laugh:

    Hey if you want to take this Tenere for a spin and try it out before I wear it out hurry up and let me know when ;)




    Thanks guys, had a great day, had a early birthday ride yesterday with SB and two mates from Coffs Harbour one on a 690Kato and the other on a 300 Gasser we rode from Coffs Harbour to Stuarts Point we rode singles, Fire Trails, down creeks up and down snotty clay hills, it was a great day all up did 260km we left Coffs about 830am and got into Stuarts Point about 730pm.
    I’ll try to get some photos together and post up


    Mick D

    badbowie wrote:

    Thanks guys, had a great day, had a early birthday ride yesterday with SB and two mates from Coffs Harbour one on a 690Kato and the other on a 300 Gasser we rode from Coffs Harbour to Stuarts Point we rode singles, Fire Trails, down creeks up and down snotty clay hills, it was a great day all up did 260km we left Coffs about 830am and got into Stuarts Point about 730pm.
    I’ll try to get some photos together and post up

    Sounds like a great way to spend your birthday. Some top riding country up at Coffs and Stuart’s point.

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