Home Forums Dirty Girls Dirty Girls HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY OBT MUMS

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  • #102744

    Happy mothers day to all the OBT mums, hope your getting breaky in bed ;)
    have a great day



    yes happy mothersday to all the mums , my boys are eagerly waiting to make breakfest in bed while shes trying to have a sleep in………..and while she is im just rolling the bike on to the trailer for a few hours at mx central B) B)


    Richard W

    Oh sh!t, thanks for the heads up.

    Happy mothers day to one and all. :cheer:


    Adrian Lee

    My mum passed away on the 19th of march so this is my first mothers day without out her.

    Guys dont take your mum for granted, go give her a kiss and a hug and tell her you love her.

    Best wishes to all the mums out there.


    Dwayne O

    Sorry to hear that Aido :(

    All the best to all the OBT mum`s out there, without you, we Old Bulls wouldn`t even be here to enjoy what we do ;)
    The OBT wives count in that too, cause they are the ones that let us go out on the trails and also hopefully play a big part in the future of OBT , through all the Younguns that may follow their Dad`s (and in some cases Mum`s) paths B)

    Happy Mothers Day



    What an event full mothers day for my mum in law.

    She was coming back from breakfast when a small truck lost control and t boned a 4wd ute they where following tearing the tray off and the first truck was heading down the wrong side of the road toward them at 80k,they swerved off the road hit a ditch did some dukes of hazard stuff and pulled up,great save from my father in law not to panick and not lock up into the truck.

    They where pretty shook up,could have been bad for any of the people but all unscathed luckily,ute and truck trashed.

    But also good news is the blokes dog would have normally been in the tray of the 4wd which was about 20 metres from the 4wd, but he was in the cab so lucky fella as well.


    huskybloke wrote:
    yes happy mothersday to all the mums , my boys are eagerly waiting to make breakfest in bed while shes trying to have a sleep in………..and while she is im just rolling the bike on to the trailer for a few hours at mx central B) B)

    :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: great way to spend mothers day.went and seen my old girl .cut some wood and hit the piss up the road with a mate beautiful weather for it to ;)yep my boss took a while to wake up for her breakfast in bed to :side:



    Yeah my kids are still little so I was woken up at 7:30 with four kids jumping on the bed.

    Oh well at least I’ve got big sleep in to look forward to. Frankly I’d rather be out on the bike too.

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