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This topic contains 60 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Wayne 12 years, 5 months ago.
October 13, 2012 at 5:46 am #101945
Well we are in Renmark SA after an awesome ride. Sand sand sand, whoops whoops whoops :woohoo: have had lunch, checked in, got some beers etc for the footy tonight
Dejays bike ready this morning
530 with rear tank
RR to follow
October 13, 2012 at 8:07 am #230667Good as Gold!! Look forward to the RR
October 13, 2012 at 8:34 am #230668
Sand, Whoops, Sand more Whoops and No Big Chooks ????Sounds great
Safe return trip guys
October 14, 2012 at 11:54 am #230669Well the Hattah Murray Sunset two day ride is done and it was awesome. Thanks to Dejay for coming along and show casing his sand riding talents.
Will edit the 4 hrs of footage into a couple of small clips later in the week. Dejay has almost finished his RR and I will see if I can add a few preview short raw unedited clips tomorrow
Hard on your hands two days in the sand and whoops
My borrowed ride, cheers Steve
October 14, 2012 at 7:06 pm #230765Nice work guys, hurry up with the RR Dejay :laugh:
October 14, 2012 at 8:42 pm #230766Trailboss wrote:My borrowed ride, cheers SteveTB
I would have thought that would be the ideal ride for the BRP. You might have o do it again
October 14, 2012 at 9:39 pm #230771Jeffro wrote:I would have thought that would be the ideal ride for the BRP. You might have o do it againBRP was built for it but is under going a total overhaul and Steve offered it up so who am I say no :laugh:
BRP could have gone butTB
October 14, 2012 at 11:18 pm #230772Well the Hattah certainly did not disappoint! I don’t remember the last time I had that much fun on a bike!
Well it all start a few months ago, TB and I were talking at work about work stuff, when a light bulb turned on and TB come up with this great idea to trailer the bikes to Melbourne while he does a course and I fly down on the weekend and we head to Hattah!!!! Well considering he already calls me a rock star I was keen as!
Rock star’d it to Melbourne via an uneventfull flight, picked up by the team managed/owner/mechanic, with the mighty crash motorsports transporter in tow (thanks mate)!
Hit the road and headed norwestish via a stop off to grab some fuel bottles!
Got crackin on the drive, not really much happened there, a few hours to kill so we mucked around with some Go Pro angles! As u will see!
Took about 4 and abit hours so not too bad considering what was coming up!
Sorted accommodation and the got the long winded run down off the owner (nice bloke)!
Unpacked my bike to fit a new battery after some shorted indicator wiring destroyed the last one!
Made our way down for a quiet drink and a feed to the weirdest, most backwards, hillbilly infested pub I’ve had the privilege of visiting. Walked through the door and silenced the pub! Odd I though but ok, c what happens, ordered a beer (and really who calls a beer a pot????), and dinner and hung around for about 30 seconds! Never eaten a meal so fast!
Not much else happened, abit of Camelbak prep, bit boring!
And Day 1 was over, Sydney to Ouyen via Melbourne, and was a passenger the whole way pretty cool!!!October 14, 2012 at 11:21 pm #230773Well Day 2 was another run in the ladder of awesome riding I have done this year! In fact the whole time I was riding only 1 word came to mind! Now I hate this word, it is overused and has lost all meaning but today it got it back, the ride from Hattah to Renmark was without doubt Epic!!!!
It started pretty relaxed made our way to Hattah’s only store, building etc!! Had a quick breakie and geared up!
We rode not 100 meters down the track and I said to TB (via Bluetooth) I hope this stays as good the whole way!
Well it did, the track was open and fast and delightfully sandy! The pace was on early but it wasn’t long before the bloody Roos (not Paul) slow’d it down(abit)!
The sand was deep enough to have you attention but not so deep I was still having fun doing 60-70km/h!
There were some great up hills across the top of the dunes and which were gradual climbs and then steps down to the bottom of the dunes! Hard to explain the footage will hopefully do some justice to it!
About 16klm in we stopped to look at a dry lake which had bike tracks across it? Not today were not!!!
After a quick detour and the only gate for the day we came across a cool 90 degree left shortly followed by a sweeping left with a couple of whoops on the inside line! Great fun the first time, but the whoops loosened my rear bag so I stopped to fix it, during which a quick brain storm to set up some different camera angles and have some fun!
You will see the result later when TB does his work editing!
We had a few runs at it, the second run back was interesting when we were probably doing the best part of really fast when someone decided to throw in a corner(the one with the whoops)! TB started yelling on the Bluetooth but at this stage I was doing about 20 klicks more than him and was about 2 bike lengths behind!
So I looked bush but managed to keep it upright and on track, dunno how! Loads of fun mucking around with the Go Pro’s!!
Off we went again and it only got better with every turn! The sand was just as deep, the dunes and turns we’re lefts and rights next to trees, with peg high 4 wheel drive ruts!
We saw a dune with tracks that TB was curious about! So we took off up it eventually after a boss of the trail had the only Handle bar and sand moment of the day!!! We got about half way up it and I kept seeing snakes holes near the srubs so I jokingly reminded TB about the snake poster we saw in the Hattah general store! That was enough for him, in deep soft sand he chuck a perfect U turn! I tried but got bogged to the swing arm, so I side saddle it out of there and reversed it down the hill abit!!
Well besides the roo’s and roo tracks and imaginery roo’s and the fear of them, not much but awesome flowing riding was had! A few quick stops but only a camera change, nature call and a bike check!
No big stops ment the rhythm was great and everything was gelling!
We stumbled across a few tracks that we’re absolute gold! Flowing sand hills with bush all around!
We found another track that was relatively flat but sandy and loads of fun! TB set of to a cracking pace and hence the 530 was kickin up dust storm. So I followed along watching the big Kato drifting out of corners through the dust! Great fun.
Further ahead we followed what we though was the track the guys and gals on the APC Rally followed but soon found out we were about 20 meters south of it!
We cut across a field to find one of the highlight tracks of the ride! More sandy flowing hills, and a kicker at the top of the dune with hard packed whoops down the other side! As untidy as I got at times it was great fun (plenty of footage coming the other way on day 3).
From there we followed the track out which runs parallel with the SA border.
30 Klm into town from there to set up camp and watch the footy with a few wheel stands seen along the way!
More soon……October 14, 2012 at 11:44 pm #230774Great read mate. Can’t wait to see some footage.
October 14, 2012 at 11:55 pm #230777Great read sand King :laugh:
Footage is wicked but wont be to the end of the week
as I am still in Melbourne unlike the rock star who has flown home :laugh: :laugh:
October 15, 2012 at 3:23 am #230778Great stuff there Dejay! Can’t wait for the rest of the report. Sounds like you had an absolute ball!! :woohoo:
October 15, 2012 at 8:00 am #230781Great report their Deej , or Sandman should I say .D
October 15, 2012 at 8:39 am #230796Awesome read Dejay, when i spoke with TB this morning he said you punted your bike through the desert like a mad man. :woohoo:
Hey TB, if you ran this ride again i would say you will get a few more takers.
nice one
October 15, 2012 at 9:37 am #230802pete the wulf wrote:Awesome read Dejay, when i spoke with TB this morning he said you punted your bike through the desert like a mad man. :woohoo:Hey TB, if you ran this ride again i would say you will get a few more takers.
nice one
We have already discussed it Pete, we are planning a return already. Numbers would be limited because of where and what it is we reckon, but thats another time.
Wait till you see the videos :woohoo:
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