Helicoil vs Time sert

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This topic contains 18 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Alex 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    Nick Dole

    This is my box of time serts for M5 to M10. The inserts come in 1D 2D and 3D like helicoils. They are not cheap, this set was $900 10 years ago. the inserts are about $5 each to buy (refill pack of 10)
    I love these bloody things.


    Nick Dole

    Lastly i should add I had to get serious about thread repairs dealing with air cooled 4 stroke engines. They get so damn hot the alloy goes soft (annealing?) after not too many heat cycles and it causes hell. the XR400 was known for blowing head gaskets, what happened was the studs pulled out of the barrel. The initial fix was 1D helicoils. They pulled out too. So now you have a big hole. Enter the loc-sert.
    Eventually we went to 2D and 3D inserts in helicoils but the thread jumping issue was such a pain if the installer was not super careful.
    2D and 3D timeserts was the real answer, i’ve never had one pull out if it didn’t have a helicoil installed first.

    So my simple rule is this.
    If it’s an assemble and forget fastener (crankcase bolts) the helicoil is fine.
    A high use fastner (drain plug) the Time Sert is the go.


    Nick Jackson

    Wow , great info their Nick , I think it will save a few people a lot of grief in the future !





    Very cool. Thanks for sharing the info.

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