This topic contains 28 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mick D 12 years, 6 months ago.

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    If I see one more box, one more roll of tape, any piece if newspaper I will FREAK!!

    I’m sooooo OVER moving ….

    But the Berg (and Vespa) are finally out of Sydney and in Kempsey :)

    So tired, shoved the bike(s) in the shed (for now).



    Alan Heather
    razzle wrote:
    If I see one more box, one more roll of tape, any piece if newspaper I will FREAK!!

    I’m sooooo OVER moving ….

    But the Berg (and Vespa) are finally out of Sydney and in Kempsey :)

    So tired, shoved the bike(s) in the shed (for now).


    lock the bikes in the shed it is kempsey you no. :laugh:



    They’re locked up safe and sound (and insured) :laugh: :laugh:


    Alan Heather

    looking ford to catching up with you for a ride we not to far from you at grassy head.



    Good onya Razzle B) like Al said lockem up good, not only Kempsey but South Kempsey – lots of local indiginous people with not much to do around those parts. ;)



    Mick D

    OK!! Good to see you finally got out of the rat race! Let’s aim for a Bago bash early October.


    Good escape Razzle!
    Keep your eye on this thread.
    Not far from your new home and you will get to met a heap of Old Bulls in one spot.




    Thanks everyone, yep looking forward to some riding real soon. Got some more back and forward to do this month for work including some OS late next week but at least the worst (moving) is over.

    Gotta find myself a good builder up this way too, the garage needs some work to be a good little workshop, and it does need to be much more secure before I feel completely comfortable with expensive bikes and tools etc in there full time.



    Im sure Mick would be able to put you onto a couple of Old Bull builders in the area. ;) Rider x ? others?

    I am jealous as all Hell :blush: (one Day)




    Yeah, happy for any recommendations for builders, tradies etc … basically my first job is an under house garage reno. New door cut into the side wall, main wooden doors need some attention and new locks from the inside etc (secure). Will probably line the whole space, needs lighting and more power, and new slab.

    So much to do! Anyway, might as well start with the garage :laugh:


    Mick D

    Already done some home work re; builders and plasterers for the reno. I will have some tradies for you Razzle, when the time comes. ;)


    Matt Baker

    I can’t believe you’ve had that bike sitting around for so long without taking it for a ride :ohmy: , Menai is only half an hour from Redfern, you should have gone and gotten it dirty 👿


    LC4skin wrote:
    I can’t believe you’ve had that bike sitting around for so long without taking it for a ride :ohmy: , Menai is only half an hour from Redfern, you should have gone and gotten it dirty 👿

    Even if you lived in a flat, you could have ripped up the pavers and run laps round the court yard :laugh: :laugh:

    Congrats on the move Raz, hook up with Mick or any of the guys up there and you won’t be disappointed with the riding.



    Steve Wyeth
    LC4skin wrote:
    I can’t believe you’ve had that bike sitting around for so long without taking it for a ride :ohmy: , Menai is only half an hour from Redfern, you should have gone and gotten it dirty 👿


    I would have taken the plate off and done some urban enduro by now :laugh: :dry: :whistle:


    moto wrote:
    LC4skin wrote:
    I can’t believe you’ve had that bike sitting around for so long without taking it for a ride :ohmy: , Menai is only half an hour from Redfern, you should have gone and gotten it dirty 👿


    I would have taken the plate off and done some urban enduro by now :laugh: :dry: :whistle:

    Didn’t you get a VERY expensive fine for doing that in Kempsey :laugh: :laugh:

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