Help posting photo’s!

This topic contains 26 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  John 11 years, 9 months ago.

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    pete the wulf wrote:
    Are you doing a Flickr one STM ?

    F&$k Flickr I say :laugh:



    Good job Scotty B)

    BTW Flickr even though it may be a Biatch to down load to a forum, the actual photo viewing experiance on it is pretty bloody good. ;)




    Thanks STM!

    I just watched your video… great job mate. Really appreciate what you have done! I just need to sit down and try it all out.



    Testing from flickr
    KTM_Rules 1 by malinjected, on Flickr

    Open the pic (in flickr) you want to post. On the bottom right of the screen is a square box with an arrow coming out of it. This is the share icon. Click it and you’ll have the option to ‘share this’, ‘Grab the link’ or ‘Grab the HTML/BBCode’. Click the ‘Grabe the HTML/BBCode’ and make sure the BBCode box is checked. Copy and paste the link in you post and it will appear after you submit your post.



    That’s NOT funny Malcom! :angry:

    I just joined photobucket and loaded my pics there! And have even saved my report as a word document so I can go in and just add pics…

    24hours too late… but thanks anyway :)

    At the end of the day I think I’ve worked it out…

    EDIT: Shite… it worked

    Thanks to all. Malcolm I’ll give your version a crack too! Leave it here I’me sure there’ll be another gumby, like me, along soon who’ll want to read all about it!

    Thanks STM too for taking the time and effort with the video!


    jtb2879 wrote:
    That’s NOT funny Malcom! :angry:

    I just joined photobucket and loaded my pics there! And have even saved my report as a word document so I can go in and just add pics…

    24hours too late… but thanks anyway :)

    At the end of the day I think I’ve worked it out…

    EDIT: Shite… it worked

    Thanks to all. Malcolm I’ll give your version a crack too! Leave it here I’me sure there’ll be another gumby, like me, along soon who’ll want to read all about it!

    Thanks STM too for taking the time and effort with the video!

    yeah sorry about that. I haven’t use my flickr account for months and forgot the password. Anyway you know how to do both now. Photobucket is easier to post pics from.

    jtb2879 wrote:
    Thanks STM!

    I just watched your video… great job mate. Really appreciate what you have done! I just need to sit down and try it all out.

    My pleasure mate.
    The site is only as good as its content so thumbs up to anyone wanting to add pics and posta ride report.





    Help was so good with photo’s now I’m looking for help to post video’s FROM YOUTUBE.

    STM? You appear to be the man… :blush:

    jtb2879 wrote:
    Help was so good with photo’s now I’m looking for help to post video’s FROM YOUTUBE.

    STM? You appear to be the man… :blush:

    Here you go mate




    Thanks STM!

    That should all keep me occupied for a while…

    Bloody hell! You’re a good instructor… I nailed this too. AND I found some other person on the planet who owns a VOR, albeit a 12V one :dry:



    48 volts! Probably more reliable than the petrol version too! :woohoo:


    shane_vor wrote:
    48 volts! Probably more reliable than the petrol version too! :woohoo:

    Ah! So it’s got “the chip” then? It’s the “chaser” VOR! :ohmy:

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