Here’s one for you techies….

This topic contains 12 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Trent 14 years, 10 months ago.

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    Steve Wyeth

    I’m looking at getting a home theatre system for my…errr…home and what I want to know is this:

    Do you have wires for the speakers sub-woofers?

    Whilst this may seem like a stupid question I’m sure there are systems out there that don’t require this, so the point really is are there affordable systems out there that don’t have wires hanging everywhere.

    The area I want to use it in is square, but I don’t want to be running cables across the floor for the rear surround speakers and sub-woofer. Most info on manufacturers sites doesn’t really seem to say….




    Steve Wyeth

    Just to add I realise that there will need to be a signal cable from the amp to the TV and a power cable to the amp. I’m even fine with cables to the front speakers and *maybe* the sub, just not the satellite/rear speakers.



    Whatever you do don’t google “wireless speakers” you’ll just end up getting a simple answer without all the fun of being told you’re a non-showering git.




    I have a wireless system Moto, but the system aren’t completely wireless as they do need a power supply for the receiver as such.

    My system has the unit next to the TV, cables connected. It runs wires to the front speakers all behind the cabinet out of site.

    The rear speakers have a control unit that receives the sound signal from the unit next to the TV. It is behind the lounge and the wires from it run to the speakers behind the lounge out of site.

    The wireless is the from the unit to the rear surround speakers

    When I bought mine you couldnt just have a speaker in the middle of no where and still cant unless its battery powered for the receiver to receive the sound signal



    Steve Wyeth

    Come on Trent, that’s why I asked for techie help, I can’t use the intermanet….oh wait! :P

    I would expect to get a piss taking response from TB and helpful one from you, however, it was the other way round :laugh:



    One word.. Wired!!

    Just my not so humble opinion…

    here is a nice setup ;)



    Have you ever seen us both in the same room together? Think about it ;) :dry:


    Steve Wyeth

    Cheers c-e-l, it’s a ripper looking set-up and ultimately what I would like to do. However, living in a rental it’s not even a consideration!



    I had some ideas until you said rental. Problem with wireless is that if something goes wrong with one component you loose the whole lot.


    Steve Wyeth

    Armed with additional information I’ve had a bit more of a look. TB has a wired system for the front speakers and sub but the back speakers are powered by a seperate amp/receiver wired to the two rear speakers. That would be okay as the receiver is RF operated and can therefore sit (along with the wires) behind the lounge and out of view.

    Looking at the net Sony has a system that has all 4 surround speakers working without wires and can be had for ~$900:




    Thats the same as mine Moto, but the front speakers are connected to the unit, all the speakers have to be connected to something either to receive the sound signal or power the receiver in the speaker unless its battery powered doesnt it. The wireless is between the front and back speakers you cant just put a speaker without a receiver anywhere and hope sound comes out of it

    Mine was around 900 I just checked with Salina

    TB :P


    Steve Wyeth

    Cool, question answered. Cheers you techie geeks :P

    This is what dirt bike sites are for, to sort out shit at home :laugh:



    You’re welcome mate any time. Make sure you pick me up some full fat pop corn this time too I don’t like the light stuff.

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