Hi from Ktmrat

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  David 16 years, 8 months ago.

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    Hi There Guys I just thought I would do the self intro thingo,,
    I am an avid fan of pain and I have found that throwing one self off moving things is the go, I have been doing this for years and along the way have learnt to ride bikes, I own a few bikes and as some of you already know I LOVE PUMPKINS, Mum always told me to eat me vegies, I have been called lots of nick names over the years, but the ones that always come out are, Mad, Stupid, or Crazy, I honestly dont know what they are talking about because I also have the benefit of having a split personality and the nice Dave does not ride bikes he fixes em, The bad Dave just f@cks them, I actually sat down a few years back and worked out I have done more than 1.2 million KMs on different 40 odd different dirt bikes, now I now why it hurts to sleep- I have not done enough riding, God dammit.
    I could not tell you guys about what bikes I own because you would not believe me, and also because then I would have to kill you all, and besides the missus might find out, it has taken me 22 years of marriage to train her well, I have 2 young boys that both race at our local track and I am involved with the club at different levels. I am a MA Qualified Coach and run schools all the time.
    My current favorite stead for the dirt is my KTM 576 EXC, she is nice, I dont know if the shot will work out, I will try to attach it, But I will get Mick to show me how to do it if it does not show up, all I can say guys is lets ride !!


    Mick D

    I’ve had both Daves turn up at my shed!!! Good onya Dave start stirring the pumpkin soup.
    Welcome aboard. Lets see were this track takes us!!:ohmy:



    Mick you have not seen the Bad Dave yet mate, but your time will come my man, I am waiting…….like a tiger ready to pounce…………


    Mick D

    Yeah right Rocky,how’s it go? Do do Dooo….Do do Dooooo…..Oh never mind..Like a tiger?
    Has any one pointed out that your black stripes are getting a bit grey??LOL



    I also think it would help if I could throw the leg over a bike as well…..so maybe I should say limping like a tiger


    Mick D

    How’s the knee shaping up old fella?cripple135.gif

    Maybe you should practice throwing the leg over something shorter. If you know what I mean.



    Mick its past midnight and I still have 2 bikes to go, I am going to the working bee tomorrow and am going to try and kill my knee completely, its getting better but slowly, I just dont rest it, I will see you sunday

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