Hills of gold

Home Forums Ride Gatherings NSW Rides Hills of gold

This topic contains 165 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Jeffrey Smith 12 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #228065

    Boony wrote:
    The cool to be seen with group is as follows.

    [li]King Bollocks[/li]
    [li]Goldfish/kram 180[/li]

    A list :blink:

    I was planning to be riding in the general area and if I came across some registered trail bikes just tag along with them……….put me on the list please Booney/Snowy

    Last year was good riding around Nundle and sounds like you have some top trails planned too.

    Bring it on


    simon burke

    Did a pre run of the sunday loop in the hylux yesterday.Out in the middle of bunyip country and not a soul around… :huh: …5 mills of rain made the track very slippery and i started sliding off the track towards the scrub :ohmy: stopped about a foot from the edge…F$#% F%$^ F@#$ !!!..No one knows i’m here and i’m a goner!!! No winch,no phone service..i felt sick :sick: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:
    Took me 10 minutes of snail pace 4wdriving and i eventually got back out. :dry:
    I’m a bloody idiot…i could still be there now :blush:
    Scared the hell outa me…should be fun on a bike though :woohoo: :cheer:

    Bol :woohoo:



    you can put me down for this ride i like berry ice cream


    Peter Horn

    Don’t tell me this ride has “gone to the dogs”, I was lookin forward to this one….


    Still over a month away Iva, don’t panic :D



    4.5hrs from my house. Considering it but there’s a lot of participants. I saw grade 4/5 – is that OBT grading or Boony grading?? :D
    Rocket can’t pay for half my fuel. Damn.


    axel wrote:
    4.5hrs from my house. Considering it but there’s a lot of participants. I saw grade 4/5 – is that OBT grading or Boony grading?? :D
    Rocket can’t pay for half my fuel. Damn.[/

    Obt grading axel.

    we got held up heaps last year by some unprepaired riders, so heads up guys.


    xr torcher

    it was a dirty bloody gas gas had to be rescued by a Yamaha just take a box of matches



    watch your mouth you homo husky rider or rip you a new a hole gr



    Thats the spirit!



    Gday King Bolls and Tamworthains,

    I hereby anounce that I will be attending or just happen to be riding in that area and at that time so we might just happen to meet. 😆

    Till then. :huh: B)


    Please pencil me in
    I’m in Canarvan WA at the moment but should be home soon (about a week of driving)
    Then I’ll have to get bike fit again
    See what happens


    Will there be Friday riding? I may come early if there is.


    Certainly is a Friday ride Jethro. Single specials. Most are new, some are not even finished being set out they are that new! There is a mix of native and pine, fast and technical along with plenty of logs. Damus and I are finishing the set out this Thusrday and the boys will cut them in well over the next few weekends.



    Add Steve from ADV Moto on his 530 Boony. I guess that means I will have to ride, ride, ride we will see B)

    Looking forward to this


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