I didn’t change my oil today.

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This topic contains 53 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  dennis da menace 15 years, 9 months ago.

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    Austblue wrote:

    Austblue wrote:

    I changed my oil yesterday and had a “moment” tightening it back up as it seemed to get tight and then too easy and I thought I’d stripped it! I backed it out cleaned the thread and then gently tightened it again without drama but I did notice a few goosebumps and had to wipe the sweaty palms!

    It turns out that I did strip the thread. After the ride on the weekend I noticed that there was a little oil leaking and thought I hadn’t tightened it enough but it wasn’t the case. I was very cautious so I think maybe it was damaged previously. Either way I think I’m going to have to get myself a torque wrench because I’ll be too paranoid now.

    If anyone would like to recommend one it’d be appreciated otherwise I’ll just take a look around.


    Any quality tool brand 3/8 drive will do the job, and also grab yourself a 1/4 for the small bolts, really need both




    Ya wouldn’t read about it! Got my parts bag from Crossaction today and the only part I REALLY needed is not the right one!:S

    So now I’ve emailed every bike store (in the world) that Google gave me and tomorrow I’m going to visit a machinist to see what they’d charge to make me an oil drain/filler plug from alloy. If push comes to shove I’ll have to get Bruno in Milano to send me one using the Bundy money that’s already passed through my kidneys:blush: .

    In the meantime, anyone else have any (constructive :huh: ) ideas?



    Shane,why not put the oil filler plug into the sump and find the right thread steel bolt to go in the filler(cut it shorter as required)Should be a standard sized bolt that you can get from an engineers supplies shop;)




    Might come to that in the end! (It’s a big-arse bolt though):laugh:



    shane_vor wrote:

    In the meantime, anyone else have any (constructive :huh: ) ideas?

    Shane send me your rounded one and i’ll weld the head and file it to fit a spanner again/

    that is if you like?

    Pm me and i’ll reply with my post address.



    ta mate, pm sent.



    So today I visit the bloke that makes things out of alloy only to find his doors closed!

    So I popped into SUTTO’S on the off chance they might have something off a ‘berg that might suit. Nice lad up in spares seemed to think he could find just the thing and after five minutes and a check with the verniers handed me something that looked similar and will likely keep me out of trouble for a while!:cheer:

    Trouble is … it’s a bloody KTM part!:S



    Now you can use those alloy welding rods and weld the linkage up on the rear suspension making PDS and enjoy the whole experience smiley-laughing001.gif



    shane-o, its prolly a bit too late, but i just had a flashback….

    try this mob http://www.jaydeemotorcycles.com.au

    20 Ladd Rd
    New Gisborne
    Victoria 3438
    Phone: (03) 5428 1331

    they have lots of vor bits, well they used to anyway…when i was on the “dark side”:laugh: :laugh:

    it cant hurt.


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