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This topic contains 65 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Jeffrey Smith 11 years, 11 months ago.
June 21, 2012 at 10:33 am #224634
Good stuff Chris, the results that is, not the red wine.
September 3, 2012 at 11:12 pm #222889I thought I should bump this thread for those out there that like me, think that they are in fact bullet proof.
After some months of dicking around thinking should I go to the Doctors or not in regards to a lump in the groin has not done me any good at all.
We start with a visit to th GP. Then it’s off for blood tests and 3 Ultrsounds. This is followed by a trip to the Haematologist that discovers more bumps and lumps that you could poke a stick at.
Off again for yet more blood tests and a full body CT scan both of these now confirm that the Devil is within me.
That said, I am now having a bone and marrow biopsy this Thursday morning and then its off to surgery after that to have the lump in my groin removed for biopsy as well. After the results are known of both of these procedures and the jury comes back in, I have to meet with the Haemotologist again next Tuesday to discuss the next plan of attack.In summation, had I gone to the Quack 12 months ago, chances are I might not be in the position that I currently find myself in. So the message to all you hardcore dirt and Gay ADV riders, if you think something is not quite right, man up and see a doctor.
Will post in this thread again on the return of the Jury next week.
Stay well now. Gaz
September 4, 2012 at 2:12 am #228885Bugger me Gaz, all the best with it mate, hope it’s a good result.
I think i might book in for a check up.Thinking of ya mate.
September 4, 2012 at 2:40 am #228889Struth Gaz! Bloody hell mate. Good luck with it.
Your case is exactly why, I started this thread in the first place.
Having said that, I haven’t been back to see my doctor since my little scare.
:blush:I will book myself in again today though.
MickSeptember 4, 2012 at 3:00 am #228890Done. Booked into the quacks for a full health check tomorrow. There is a health initiative that offers free checks for blokes between 45 and 50.
Why not take advantage of that, was my thinking.
September 4, 2012 at 4:00 am #222890I can symathise Mick, theres that much camera footage of my insides (from both ends) that i could make a full length movie out of it.
Truth be told Gents, the camera is OK, you are out to it as Mick pointed out, the worst part is if they stick the camera up without removing the shit, they can’t see for shit so the shit must come out … that bit sucks big ones!
If you doubt me, check out the decxription that Billy Connolly has for the “procedure” …:sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :blush:
September 11, 2012 at 11:44 pm #222891Hi All,
Well it was back to the surgeon yesterday for a post op check up and then to the Haematologist for the results. It turns out that I do in fact have lymphoma however, it is not of the agressive type. For those that read my last post, I pointed out that my white blood cells were in fact very low. Since the removal of the large Node in my groin, my whites have improved quite a lot and the Dr is happy with my progress. It has been determined not to put me through Kemo at this point however, it is now a wait and see game over the next 12 months. Though I do have the Devil within, it appears that at this stage that it is currnetly having a Nanna nap. To simplify what I’m saying is this. If the Lion is laying peacefully in its cage, don’t go poking a stick at it. Moving forward, I will return to the specialist every 3 months to check on my progress and the decision to begin treatment will be based on the results of these revisits and tests.
In summation, Yes I have dodged a Bullet for now.
All he best Gaz
September 11, 2012 at 11:51 pm #229292Great News Gaz, well the best news you could have, considering what is going on. Good luck with it all and in the meantime, get out there and grab life by the balls!
MickSeptember 11, 2012 at 11:56 pm #229293BLOODY AWESOME NEWS GAZ
Will ring you soon mate for a chat
September 12, 2012 at 12:51 am #229295Good news Gaz.
Good luck with it in the future.
September 12, 2012 at 8:39 am #222892Great News, keep up the good attitude and you’ll kick on and get rid of the rest of the stuff within Gaz!
Diet, exercise and mental attitude win everytime!!Hope to hell I never have to face anything like that …..
September 13, 2012 at 8:36 am #222893Strewth… :ohmy:
Just read this thread :ohmy:
my old beer drinking mate Gaz :huh:
Hope it all works out for the best ol mate
Thinking of ya
Bol :woohoo:October 25, 2012 at 2:54 am #222894was at the docs getn blood pressure done and all the useual tests done for a general check up and not all good news, as i was rushed of to get cables attached everywere as they found a very irregular heart beat yesturday, im now home resting waiting for more tests next week goes to show you mite feel good but that dont meen anything, get yourself checked its not worth the risk, prevention is better then the cure if caught earlier enough, it mite be as simple as a diet change that stops nasty opperations
October 25, 2012 at 3:05 am #231400wolfie wrote:was at the docs getn blood pressure done and all the useual tests done for a general check up and not all good news, as i was rushed of to get cables attached everywere as they found a very irregular heart beat yesturday, im now home resting waiting for more tests next week goes to show you mite feel good but that dont meen anything, get yourself checked its not worth the risk, prevention is better then the cure if caught earlier enough, it mite be as simple as a diet change that stops nasty opperations:ohmy: No good Wolfie, take it easy and keep us in the loop :ohmy: Went to the quaks on Monday just gone myself heap of tests now all standard so far. This getting older is a worry :blink:
Good luck mate
October 25, 2012 at 3:34 am #231401Sorry to hear that Wolfie
I had the double ended camera experience a while ago but all OK
Why do women out live blokes? I reckon men think they are too tough or put it to one side because life is busy instead of going to the doctor
It would be good to even up those men women life expectantcies
Hope you get well Wolfie
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