I dodged a bullet, something you should all read.

This topic contains 65 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Jeffrey Smith 11 years, 11 months ago.

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    yep been there meself not too long ago. A bit scary when they dont tell ya what’s going on in there, but all good in the end. It wasnt my heart or lungs..I now have rheumotoid arthritis in the sternum. The pain I had in the same area and it had the marks of a heart attack.
    Rest up and dont do anything stupid, it’ll only hurt more.


    Mick D

    Best of luck with the results Wolfie! Thanks for sharing and keeping this thread going. It might just prompt a few around here to get the occasional checkup.


    Good luck with it Wolfie.

    I ad follow up blood tests the other week after some bad results 6 months ago and guess what, things don’t get better by themselves.

    I started doing all the right things after the results the first time but didn’t take long to slip back to bad habits. Things have gotten marginally worse as far as blood sugar levels and fat around the heart.

    Time to start looking after ourselves, especially once you get past forty.


    Dwayne O

    Rest up Wolfie & good luck with the prognosis mate :whistle:

    We need you fit & well for Coffs in a month mate ;)

    See ya there


    This is a really simple test you can do yourself and if you pass it your risk for many problems (not all) is massively reduced. Take an accurate measurement of your height and one around your waist. If your waist is equal to or less than half your height you are in the safe zone. If it is more than half you need to take action and get it there.


    singletrackmind wrote:
    This is a really simple test you can do yourself and if you pass it your risk for many problems (not all) is massively reduced. Take an accurate measurement of your height and one around your waist. If your waist is equal to or less than half your height you are in the safe zone. If it is more than half you need to take action and get it there.


    Thats it for me then, off to the hardware in morning buy a new shovel and start digging!! 👿 👿 :dry:

    Hey Gaz, best of luck mate am sure you will be fine. I had a bit of a scare last few weeks too, but have had the all clear, will have a chat when next we meet mate. ;)


    Rest up Wolfie and get that good woman of yours waiting on you hand and foot.

    Like most men I’m not a fan of doctors but I was required to have a work related blood test recently, (f*ck I hate junkies) and I got the doc to do the works while he as at it. Sounded like a good idea at the time until they started taking multiple vials of blood. The good news is I got the all clear, even recons my cholesterol is in check. But like most I could afford to drop a few kilos.


    craig evans

    ill keep you in the loop guys as to what happens, eagle i wont be going to coffs as iv been offered a job which ill be in training for when its on its a to good of a opp. to knock back, jeffro i hear what your sayn iv done the same things with bad habits ,lotsa i will amit im 1 of those people, let me refraze that hopfully was 1 of those people now, singletrackmind i tryed what you said and had a bigger heart attack i now my height so i grabbed the wifes sewing tape and did a measement and nearly fell over im nearly as round as high so told the misses and all she could do was piss herself laughn ,with that she got told it not that funny :angry: and her reply was it is check the tape the end has been cut off and starts at 20cm :angry: :blush: 😆 i still need to loose some kgs though, scotty i wish, she lovn it iv done nothing but cooking today ,cakes ,slices, scones biskets


    craig evans

    back at the docs yesturday the heart has gone back to normal beating ,he wants me to go back a cple more times and get checked incase it comes and goes so i still mite have to were a heart monitor yet for a few days ,1 of the tests came back sayn iv got a under active thighriod which can cause my heart to do what it has done aswell so iv got more tests to do again but in the mean time he put me on a diet and was told no more softdrink sugar, fatty stuff and all the good foods we tend to enjoy that we shouldnt



    Small prise to pay for yu health Craig,,,dosen’t make it any eazier though. I hope it all works out OK for yu mate.


    craig evans

    just an update as to how iv been going ,iv been feeling reel good iv done serveral good rides of late ,general health has improved heaps, working on fittnes still along way to go for my liking , cardioligest real happy i dont have to go back for 12 months, doc real happy and between them both they have givn me 1 table a day to take for the next month ,then go back to doc get tested to see if my dooseage needs to be ajusted other wise everything is aok and im back to normal :woohoo: :woohoo:


    Mick D
    wolfie wrote:
    just an update as to how iv been going ,iv been feeling reel good iv done serveral good rides of late ,general health has improved heaps, working on fittnes still along way to go for my liking , cardioligest real happy i dont have to go back for 12 months, doc real happy and between them both they have givn me 1 table a day to take for the next month ,then go back to doc get tested to see if my dooseage needs to be ajusted other wise everything is aok and im back to normal :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Thats Great Wolfie! You should really go to bed earlier though. The clock says you posted at 2.43 in the morning! :laugh:


    craig evans

    i wish i could go to bed earlier anybody who knows me will tell you i dont sleep ,even as a kid i never slept, a cpl hrs and im awake

    wolfie wrote:
    i wish i could go to bed earlier anybody who knows me will tell you i dont sleep ,even as a kid i never slept, a cpl hrs and im awake

    Try magnesium tablets Wolfie, they help relax the muscles.

    I started taking them a couple of months ago to help with twitching muscles and found I slep better.

    Last week I was away from home for 4 nights, I didn’t have the tablets with me and was having trouble sleeping, I would wake up after a couple of hours and have trouble getting back to sleep just sort of drifting in and out for the rest of the night.
    It didn’t occur to me at the time that it was because I didn’t have them and when I got home I had the same problem the first night because I hadn’t taken one that day either. The next night I remembered before I went to bed and slept straight through even though I had taken a nap for over an hour in the afternoon.

    I have been using Nutralife Magnesium Complete.

    Good to hear everything else is going well.


    jim cady

    That must be reassuring news for you Wolfie. ;) Lifestyle choices :sick: can play such a huge role in ones longevity. :ohmy:

    I know i have personally lost friends way too early to lifes pleasures and endulgences :(

    I myself gave up the drink nearly one year ago,as i found myself polishing off two cartons of James Boags finest weekly with all my mates [me myself and i] :ohmy:

    The mundane day to day daily grind had enabled the beer to become my hobby :laugh: :laugh:

    To remedy this situation i bought the tenere B) .Borrowing the full amount of money for the purchase.

    Motivation too stay off the piss is then born out of necessity to pay off the loan :whistle:Coincidently a similiar amount to the old beer budget.If your going to piss it up against a wall,why not.Would not be everyones choice i know,hell would not have been mine 13 months ago. :pinch:

    So as long as i dont fall back into old habits bikes paid for,wifes happy,and i may get to ride for a few years longer :woohoo: :woohoo:

    In saying all of this at the age of 46 i should get along to the doctors myself having never had a checkup :ohmy:

    To wrap this essay/sorry,up thats not to say i would not join in the after ride festivities if and when i finally get out on a ride.

    Cheers James

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