I dodged a bullet, something you should all read.

This topic contains 65 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Jeffrey Smith 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #222902

    craig evans

    ok people im just bringing this topic up to remind people to get check ups, so with my up date its now 5 months after my major scare and im doing well, heart beat normal , cholesterol all normal, thighriod normal, and iv lost 14kg also, now im 101,and im aiming for 90 kg now



    good stuff wolfie, 101 you fat bastard :-) give u a call next couple of days to catch up.



    Good on ya Wolfie for kicking the 14kg bet you feel heaps better for it.
    You will get to 90 mate!
    I am at the quacks quite regular these days as I am diabetic. :(
    Thank God for little white pills!


    Good to hear you are doing so well Wolfie, good stuff mate.



    That great Wolfie, 101kg … bet there will be a party when you crack the double digits – a good milestone :)


    craig evans

    thanx everybody was hard at first but not bad now look out 90kg

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