I just sneezed and …

This topic contains 35 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Alex 11 years, 12 months ago.

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    it hurt like nothing has f*cking hurt before! :pinch: :pinch: I’m, pretty sure I scared the sh*t out of my two dogs with the language that ensued …. maybe I have turrets?? :laugh: :laugh: (ouch, hurts to laugh)

    Anyway; I’m sure I’m not the first or last (unfortunately) to have an injury, any tips for recovery, pain management, coping etc? 6 to 8 weeks :( :(





    Dwayne O

    Rum :laugh:


    Matt Baker

    Don’t sneeze


    LC4skin wrote:
    Don’t sneeze

    yep that`ll do it , :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


    Beer, Motorbikin’ vids, shed time looking at bike, miss universe re runs, etc etc 😆



    OK then, no help whatsoever so far :laugh: :laugh:

    Except maybe for the Rum. :P


    Dwayne O

    It works,,,,, Trust me :laugh:


    Amy Harburg

    You poor bugger Razzle.

    Just get ready for the pain to get worse before its gets better. I broke a rib and I think the pain peaked at about 2 week later. :pinch:

    To help me feel better I went out and bought another bike. Couldn’t even load it on the trailer myself, but it made me feel better……… this is otherwise known as retail therapy. I think most normal girls might have bought shoes or a handbag….i went for motorbike number two.

    Flying Fish



    My shopping list grow’eth by the minute 😆

    Body Armour – of course DUH!
    New helmet – I’m a Virgo, cant’ stand anything scratched, Tainted!
    New Goggles – friggin Vine ruined them!
    Also, thinking Neck Brace? maybe??

    I can’t do another bike, it would be number three in only 8 months! That would be wrong wouldn’t it??

    I think I’ll pour my energies into the garage; tools, setup etc. 😆 😆


    Flying Fish wrote:
    You poor bugger Razzle.

    Just get ready for the pain to get worse before its gets better. I broke a rib and I think the pain peaked at about 2 week later. :pinch:

    To help me feel better I went out and bought another bike. Couldn’t even load it on the trailer myself, but it made me feel better……… this is otherwise known as retail therapy. I think most normal girls might have bought shoes or a handbag….i went for motorbike number two.

    Flying Fish

    Amy I like your style… B)

    Razz according to the doc he says hug a pillow if you think you’re going to sneeze and or wrap a towel around your chest. Also, take the panadol every 4 hrs EVEN if you don’t feel any pain you need to keep a certain level of the drugs in your body so it wont hurt as much when you do sneeze.


    Les Murray

    Hi Razzle I am working on combined doses of Voltaren and Panadol Forte which does work!! I’ve never had a broken rib but am told it isn’t great so look after yourself.


    Matt Baker

    Harden up


    LC4skin wrote:
    Harden up

    OK :( :laugh:


    Mick D

    A couple of cones and go riding again is a technique that I have seen in the past. :pinch: :whistle:

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