I’m in the market for a GPS

Home Forums General Bike Talk I’m in the market for a GPS

This topic contains 23 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 16 years, 7 months ago.

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    G’day mick try going to http://www.gpsoz.com.au they have all the brands all the brackets and all the soft ware to give ideas.


    Mick D

    Cool, I’m on to it.Thanks man,BTW I am glad I got the Mikuni on your advise.



    Hey Mick, Northy had a magellan GPS, not sure of what model, maybe he can chip in here, did the job for us out at clarence on the weekend.




    Chris does northy have all the ride information from his GPS stored to computer that we could get hold of and look at?



    I bought my Garmin Etrex Legend about 3 or more years ago. I read an article in either Dirt Action or ADB. They did a Comparo on about 9 or 10 different models and types. I chose this model because it seemed to be light, small, durable, dirt and water proof (not pressure rated), can import mapsource software, draws minimal current and is easy to use.
    Sometimes, with my smooth, faultless riding style (:woohoo: yeh, right:silly: ) I may have hit some rather hard objects etc – it would turn off. But I put alum. foil at either end of the batteries to keep the power in constant contact and it seemed to eliminate the problem. The toggle switch now won’t work in one direction, so I’m getting it replaced.
    You know how quickly technology improves, maybe someone else has some more recent experience with newer stuff that has been released since.



    GPS Update,
    My GPS came back from Garmin today – but they wouldn’t replace the malfunctioning toggle switch……….
    They sent me back a brand new box with a complete brand new GPS in it!!!!!!!!!!
    The only concern I have is that there was no accompanying letter telling me what was going on!
    I’ll learn to live with it.



    thats good Crash, they have looked after you


    Mick D

    Mate, that is what after sales service is all about. You get what you pay for ,not like another mob that I know that distributes shit boots made by some chinaman called Oneal!!!
    Garmin is the way I will probably go.


    Mick D

    Ant lashed out and bought the Garmin. It should arrive today.
    We will take it for a ride on the weekend without reading the instructions, just to see how dummy proof they are!!!
    I will post the results and our thoughts after our field testing.

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