I bought my Garmin Etrex Legend about 3 or more years ago. I read an article in either Dirt Action or ADB. They did a Comparo on about 9 or 10 different models and types. I chose this model because it seemed to be light, small, durable, dirt and water proof (not pressure rated), can import mapsource software, draws minimal current and is easy to use.
Sometimes, with my smooth, faultless riding style (:woohoo: yeh, right:silly: ) I may have hit some rather hard objects etc – it would turn off. But I put alum. foil at either end of the batteries to keep the power in constant contact and it seemed to eliminate the problem. The toggle switch now won’t work in one direction, so I’m getting it replaced.
You know how quickly technology improves, maybe someone else has some more recent experience with newer stuff that has been released since.