Indoor Go Karting This Saturday!!!!!

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    champo35 wrote:

    is being excited by your own image sus?

    Yes :dry:

    Although you look a little younger there and time hasn’t been kind to you :laugh:



    with karting at 11:00
    best get there at 10:30 so we can do the paperwork and pad up

    tb has offered to donate another $50 to the redcross bushfire appeal if racytracy can spin moto or put him into the wall

    i’ll donate another $100 if anyone does a better lap time than slow old me



    Need a photo of Moto crying and whingaing about his other thumb being hurt after the wreck for an extra $50


    yous are all buggers.

    i wish i could come go-karting

    im much better on 4 wheels, i dont seem to fall off as often.

    its great to hear yous are thinking about the bushfire appeal.

    your all big men with bigger hearts.

    im gonna sit home and play mario-cart and donate my $40 entry to the appeal.

    there in spirit




    Just got back from karting and our lunch/stroll around histoic old Morpeth. Karting was a blast, I haven’ done it in a fair few years and had forgotten how much fun you can have. I hadalso forgotten how tiring it is!

    There were 8 people racing in our group so there was always someone to overtake and after the first 10 minute race (qualifying for the start positions of the next 10 minute race) I was pretty tired.

    Tyne did well for her first time in a kart ever and on the second session was lapping quite quickly.

    After karting we headed out to Morpeth for some fod and a wonder round the shops, it was a good day out and I’ll look forward to doing it again.

    Champo took a couple of pics so I’m sure they’ll be posted up in good time :)



    Indoor karting 15/02/09

    The scenario: very wet weekend

    The challenge: indoor karting

    The track:

    The challengers:

    The prize: if any one beats me champo, he’ll donate another $100 to the red cross bush fire appeal

    The results:

    Round one: best lap
    Winner: Champo: 21:470 seconds
    Moto: 0.063 seconds slower
    racytracy: big giggles
    tigertyne: learning the ropes
    damage: champo gets covered in petrol

    Round two:
    Winner: moto: 21.349 seconds (despite ignoring blue (about to be overtaken by champo) flag)
    Champo: 0:054 seconds slower
    Racytracy: even bigger giggles
    Tigertyne: really big improver
    Damage: champo gets slammed into the wall so hard that the kart is airborne being bounced back onto the track. Moto suffers a cut to his elbow

    Overall result:
    Moto wins the day and champo donates $100 to the red cross

    Post race celebrations at Morpeth:
    Roast beef buns and chips ($3 each) at restaurant at morpeth
    Moto does a compare between jacklinks and inferior beef jerky
    Jacklinks wins
    Moto experiments with womens fashions
    Tyne experiments with cordials



    champo35 wrote:

    Winner: moto: 21.349 seconds (despite ignoring blue (about to be overtaken by champo) flag)

    What?? You make it sound like I stopped you from getting the fastest lap! I overtook you from starting in second position, you had a couple of corners up my arse and then you gradually got further back.

    The above times were our resective fastest laps froma 26 lap race. You weren’t trying to overtake me when I set the time. My fastest time was set on my penultimate lap when you weren’t even behind me B)

    Since the start of the race I was right up your arse trying to overtake for at least 5 laps and there was no sign of a blue flag. When I got in front of you (without being given the luxury of a blue flag) why the hell should I pull over and let you past because you were behind me! It’s a race! Stupid marshall, I think he didn’t know we were leading.

    After that I pulled away from you and it was all over red rover :P

    Good work on the donation though, karma for that :)



    i noticed that you were up my arse from the start. i could feel you ramming my but on the ‘red light’ warm up laps. when we got going you did punt me off in a corner allowing you through. when i caught back up and pressured you (without resorting to contact) for a few laps the marshal (obviously recognising a superior driving skills), waved the yeid flag at you. You ignored it. It was not until we met lapped traffic, that the traffic let you through and not me. I got stuck behind this guy for many laps until I was slammed into the wall by another frustrated driver.

    I e-slap your face with my e-glove



    You were saying on the race before that you were taking people with force and not waiting for the blue flag, why different this race? The marshall blue flagged me once on one corner, not for a few laps. Why wasn’t he blue flagging you when I was all over you for several laps? Blame the blue flag if it helps :laugh:

    You are right though, I was up your arse on the warmup lap, it was a race, they never told us how the start worked and I didn’t know we had to wait for the lights. You were still in front when the race started :)

    I e-challange you to an e-dual with pistols at dawn:laugh:



    i challenge you to another competition. moto!
    you name the location and weapons



    lol, I will donate the $50 not because Tracy rammed Moto, but because I have got to read about Moto whinging as per normal, about marshalls and everything else was against him blah bla blah, excuses excuses see below

    “Since the start of the race I was right up your arse trying to overtake for at least 5 laps and there was no sign of a blue flag. When I got in front of you (without being given the luxury of a blue flag) why the hell should I pull over and let you past because you were behind me! It’s a race! Stupid marshall, I think he didn’t know we were leading”

    So I will donate the $50 for that

    Congrats on being the winner Moto when you are giving away some performance becuase of the weight difference

    Good report




    nah, moto kicked my bum fair and square.:blush:
    i’m a sore looser:blush:
    just reving him up for a rematch.;)

    had heaps of fun.:laugh:

    p.s. moto: just got home, the movie was heaps good



    champo35 wrote:

    nah, moto kicked my bum fair and square.:blush:
    i’m a sore looser:blush:
    just reving him up for a rematch.;)

    had heaps of fun.:laugh:

    p.s. moto: just got home, the movie was heaps good

    We’ll have to have to again mate and dual it out then :P

    So the movie was good was it, was the porn movie/normal movie ratio? :P



    search ‘zack and miri make a porno’ (rated R) typical kevin smith movie.
    ie: heaps funny, with topics not covered in other movies. usual references. warning: has pink bits:ohmy:

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