its on Nundle 2010 sep 11 / 12

Home Forums Ride Gatherings NSW Rides its on Nundle 2010 sep 11 / 12

This topic contains 272 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 14 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #187303

    For those who didnt come on the ride SUCKERS you missed an ripper trip.

    190 k of sweet nundle single, mud , water and a top bunch of blokes


    Matt Baker

    I just got a text message from Menace it said

    ‘you missed the best weekend ever c#%t, it sucks to be you’

    the prick loves to rub it in



    Was just speaking with Boony cant wait for the ride report :laugh: He did say some of the guys were still up at 4am this morning, I dont think it was Boony but I bet Menace was in the mix somewhere :P

    Come on ride report please guys


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