Its quiet, got a life or stacking browie points?

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  • #173234

    This arvo I peddled about 35k’s on the exercise bike :( I must say it is helping the knee I can get about 75% range know and its getting stronger every day B) Had three glasses of red with dinner and the last bit in the bottle is calling :blush:



    i bet your bouncing of the walls menace with no smokes or piss think you should have gone riding to releive the stress.i took the kids for a ride yesterday had some fun on the xr100 the kids trashed the bikes fixed the jr 80 this morning dam 2strokes blocked muffler need a new switch again for the pw50.went for a spin this afternoon on the ktm



    Went riding with Gili in the southside Wato’s yesterday, had a bit of an explore, ended up going up Whitemans :ohmy: I think I pushed more than rode :( and did a heap more single track in reverse to what we usually do.After doing over 240 km last weekend and feeling pretty good after it and only doing 50kms yesterday I was completley knackered, we stopped into Ourimbah tall timbers hotel for a Primo burger and a beer to top the day off. Lost my bash plate on one of the trails if any one comes across it ;)

    Today I helped celebrate my daughters 14th birthday and repaired the new Pups dog house.




    I only done about 100ks in the nundle forest area today. bar that havent done much else today.

    Oh did I mention the riding was

    SWEET :cheer: :cheer:




    Boony wrote:

    I only done about 100ks in the nundle forest area today. bar that havent done much else today.

    Oh did I mention the riding was

    SWEET :cheer: :cheer:


    And the ride report is where?




    coming :P
    I am too nacked just now. :dry: :S


    Mick D

    Flag marshalled at the AORC untill 1pm,(my brownie points are at low after last weekend’s birthday bash so I came home early :S ) came home watched some tele, trimmed the hedge,Rode my bike down and watched the Barefoot drags down at the river, now having a beer while the missus yells at the kids.



    I just finished a five day stint on two bikes. Wednesday was trail riding with Medogrocket. Thursday was pre running some of the track for the May ride while my ute got serviced. Friday was riding to Gosford and back while the BMW got serviced. Saturday was Donna and I out on the BMW to Sofala for lunch and to check out the camp spots for the May ride. And today was out with the DSMRA boys at Mt Werong for some awesome single tracks and a BBQ. :woohoo:

    The lawn needs mowing and the dogs need washing but I’ll get to that some other day :laugh:

    Back to work tommorow :(



    I had a big sleep today after night shift, lots of dreaming but I am not telling what of :blush: :laugh:
    Night shift again tonight, start a month of annual leave tomorrow you beauty!!, hope to get in heaps of needed prep for the A4DE and work on the house reno, so the next month will be busy but I am happy with that



    Brownie points all weekend and that knackered me enough ;)

    Dropped my pipe off and apparently it’s now almost back to its original shape so I’ll be getting off my arse and getting a pipe guard. $120 ain’t bad though considering it needed a weld too!



    mal5.1 wrote:

    . And today was out with the DSMRA boys at Mt Werong for some awesome single tracks and a BBQ. :woohoo:



    was a good day out,,got back and washed bike/gear, and tidied house before wifey got home = extra points!!



    Trailboss wrote:

    Thats gotta suck big head as you had it all planned eh, Mum probably loves it though having her little boy around :laugh: Baked dinner tonight? :)

    Yep chicken, :laugh:.



    Diddel wrote:

    Trailboss wrote:

    Thats gotta suck big head as you had it all planned eh, Mum probably loves it though having her little boy around :laugh: Baked dinner tonight? :)

    Yep chicken, :laugh:.

    Ha ha sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet Good old mum eh



    Dwayne O

    EAGLE`02 wrote:

    Ride Bikes,,,, What`s that ??? :blink: :laugh:
    I`ve been busy spending $$$ on the car repairs & prepping the “EAGLE” camper for upcoming Nundle camp trip at Easter,,,

    Then squeazing in some sleep to catchup on what I missed during the week ;)

    The Super Commuter hasn`t moved for a week & a half now :angry:

    That`s it, I`ve had enough,,, The Commuter is coming back out tonite for the trip to work!!!
    Even if it is PITCH BLACKat 10.30pm, I`m riding again :blink: :laugh:


    EAGLE`02 wrote:

    EAGLE`02 wrote:

    Ride Bikes,,,, What`s that ??? :blink: :laugh:
    I`ve been busy spending $$$ on the car repairs & prepping the “EAGLE” camper for upcoming Nundle camp trip at Easter,,,

    Then squeazing in some sleep to catchup on what I missed during the week ;)

    The Super Commuter hasn`t moved for a week & a half now :angry:

    That`s it, I`ve had enough,,, The Commuter is coming back out tonite for the trip to work!!!
    Even if it is PITCH BLACKat 10.30pm, I`m riding again :blink: :laugh:

    but think of the ride home eag’s, crisp autumn mornings, the wind blowing through your combed over whisps……
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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