Its quiet, got a life or stacking browie points?

This topic contains 30 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  corey heather 15 years ago.

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  • #173339

    Well i was planing a good weekend with my boy actually starting to ride his jr50 wednesday arvo i came home with a treat of KFC thursday (my end of the week) to find him ready to go off to the hospital after he fell off the swings.

    Only to find my self there with him on the friday my first day off getting X rays to comfirm it was broken so had him at home sick of a heavy over sized half cast till next monday when they put a real one on.

    in the arvo i put my old MTD lawm mower i payed $500 for 4 years ago on ebay only to find a guy payed $700 for it 8 hours later off me :P

    then looked after the kids why the missus had a girlly night out for the saturday and work again sunday

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