I’ve turned Orange!

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This topic contains 21 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Cris 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #248729

    Congrats Logan, nice ride :woohoo:

    Its got valves and cams which is a bummer, but still nice I suppose :P Ive promised myself a new 300 for xmas and cant wait …… very jealous that you got yours now :angry:


    No doubt you will love it Logan. As another one who went from a DRZ I can tell you the only problem might be getting used to the keeping the revs a little higher. I found I stalled mine quite a bit to start with trying to ride it in the lower revs the DRZ loved.



    wont hold your choice against you .you may even be a good bloke.
    Still recon your post/photo looks like a freerider 350

    Enjoy the new ride.
    satire toes



    Good on you mate well done




    Grape vine has it he picked her up today. So Logan how many Hrs on her??? :)



    This is the second thread I have read tonight where your rumours are mentioned Boze.

    You must be well connected :)

    Yep, your sources are correct, I picked her up this arvo ;) :cheer:

    It has 0.00 hours on it…… :whistle:

    Like all dirt bikes, it is soon to be dropped, scratched and scuffed :pinch: :pinch: :pinch:



    Don’t be slack, scream it up the road at least :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh:

    Yeh had to pick up me pipe (before they were all sold, dam they go quick).

    She will be shiny at Nundle ;)

Viewing 7 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)

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