Jenny Craiging a DRZ 400

This topic contains 55 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Adrian Snowden 12 years, 8 months ago.

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    A few weeks ago I go to ride a new Honda CRF250 x and found it an absoulute rocket which I figured to be largeley due to it being so light weight. Not being a traitor like Boony, Nick J or Corey I wasnt prepared to jump ship though and slag off the vernerable DRZ that had allowed me to get back into trail riding and eat dirt thoughout the country. The only choice then was radical weight reduction surgery but first I had to find out where all the weight was so after weighing the big girl in in full ride trim I discovered she weighed a massive 154kilos.

    So first things first she was stripped down to the frame.

    Only 22 kilos there so that wasnt it. Next I weighed the wheels to see if the Hondas go fast rims where the difference.

    No only 8 kilos all up there. So it had to be the battery and as the DRZ has a kick start I didnt need that.

    Damm only 1 kilo it has to be all the ADR shit

    1.5 kgs. Maybe it was the after market air filter and too much oil on it

    .5 kg still no good. Must be the motor. so

    Only 17 kilos there , So the only thing left is the plastics

    And there it is can you believe the plastics alone weighed in at 104 kgs. To ensure quality though I ripped the stickers off the plastics and weighed them as well and the buggers weighed in at 64 kilos

    Ripped down to the bike shop and bought a set of red go fast plastics but they already came with stickers so I had to put up with the DRZ having Honda stickers on it but it came up flash as you can see below


    Now I know it looks alot like a 2012 CRF250 X and it is similar in that it weighs the same, but underneath its still a DRZ just a lot lighter. Be warned though Jenny Craiging a DRz will set you back about $5-6 K but I think the end result will be worth it once the minister for war and finance says I have earned enough from extra work to be allowed to ride it. Happy to let everyone check out the results at Coffs. GO the mighty DRZ. Snowy


    Great post Snowy :laugh:

    Enjoy your new ride. There is definitely a trend developing here!



    Bob Dowsett

    Your a dick :laugh:



    well done snowy they seem all the rage on old bulls at the moment nice weight loss program


    Bob Dowsett
    singletrackmind wrote:
    Great post Snowy :laugh:

    Enjoy your new ride. There is definitely a trend developing here!


    And The trend will continue throughout
    Buy a red one
    crash a red one
    take it to bike shop tyo get fixed
    take it to bike shop tyo get fixed
    take it to bike shop tyo get fixed
    take it to bike shop tyo get fixed
    take it to bike shop tyo get fixed
    take it to bike shop tyo get fixed
    take it to bike shop tyo get fixed
    take it to bike shop tyo get fixed
    take it to bike shop tyo get fixed
    take it to bike shop tyo get fixed
    take it to bike shop tyo get fixed
    see a trend happenning here :laugh:

    then you’ll all sell them and buy something else :laugh:

    on another note I really hope you all enjoy your new rides



    if there cashed up why not


    Flash new ride Snowy. You will need to go to the gym now for your weight lifting.

    With all these CRF250X’s popping up I can see a tutorial thread from TB in the near future on how to replace valves on a CRF250X. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Alan Heather

    yep im affraid i,ll be going red as well ;)

    bigger al wrote:
    yep im affraid i,ll be going red as well ;)

    Same colour different brand eh Al B)



    Alan Heather

    your on it scotty :)



    Top read there Snowy,,seems to be the best way around the weight issue :) Do CRF”s come in yellow? :laugh: :laugh: Who’d know? ;) :laugh: :laugh:


    singletrackmind wrote:
    bigger al wrote:
    yep im affraid i,ll be going red as well ;)

    Same colour different brand eh Al B)


    Here ya go Al ? great price low Kays Close to my place if you want me to store for ya ;)

    Yes I know its a 449 but a few extra cubes never hurt anyone :laugh:



    Bob Dowsett

    Reds Ok I spose

    better than Orange :laugh:

    Will be good too see a different color on the trails



    reckon 450s better but to hard to goon on a 250


    Alan Heather
    Ollie wrote:
    singletrackmind wrote:
    bigger al wrote:
    yep im affraid i,ll be going red as well ;)

    Same colour different brand eh Al B)


    Here ya go Al ? great price low Kays Close to my place if you want me to store for ya ;)

    Yes I know its a 449 but a few extra cubes never hurt anyone :laugh:


    my arms are long enough now a 449 would frikn kill me :laugh:

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