
This topic contains 487 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Adrian Snowden 9 years ago.

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  • #111805

    When you see your wife running around the garden,covered in blood,screaming and disorientated… Don’t panic!calm down,relax……..aim and shoot again!;)


    White husband in delivery room,midwife hands him a black baby.”is this yours?”probably” he replied “she f%$king burns everything!”:(


    Nick Gilbert

    you crack me up tiny! LMFAO at those 2!


    A little guy is sitting at a bar,when all of a sudden a thug smacks him in the face & says “thats KUNG FU from japan”,a bit later the thug smacks him again & says “thats KARATE from korea”,the little guy gets up & leaves the bar, a short time later he comes back & smacks the thug knockin him out cold & says to the barman “when that c*$t wakes up,tell him that was a f%&king SHOVEL from bunnings,”B)


    Mick D

    After flipping his speedboat, Jesus quickly leaves the scene before his Father finds out!




    LMFAO tiny


    The best engine in the world is the fanny
    it takes any size piston,
    is self lubricating,
    starts with one finger
    and every 4 weeks does its own oil change…..
    its a pity the management system is so


    LAST one just post whoring now:blush:

    A black baby died and went to heaven.
    God puts wings on him and he asked.
    “Am i an angle now?”
    God said “no you stupid little c&%t,
    your a f&%king blowfly, now f&%koff!”



    Mick D

    who started him up??? Geezus Tiny!! That one last cast is not always a good idea!! Ha ha ha



    Two blokes were standing at the first hole of there local golf course

    One bloke said to the other ,last time i played here my wife got hit with a golf ball between the first and second hole

    Don’t leave much room for a band aid his mate replied


    A blonde was admitted to hospital today after having phone sex. Doctors managed to remove 2 Nokias, 3 Motorolas and one Samsung, but no Siemen was found !


    Mick D

    Male Sensivitiy Test

    1. In the company of females, intercourse should be referred to as:
    A. Lovemaking.
    B. Screwing.
    C. Taking the pigskin bus to tuna town.

    2. You should make love to a woman for the first time only after you’ve
    both shared:
    A. Your views about what you expect from a sexual relationship.
    B. Your blood-test results.
    C. Five tequila slammers.

    3. You carefully pace yourself to time your orgasm so that:
    A. Your partner climaxes first.
    B. You both climax simultaneously.
    C. You don’t miss Sports Update on Nine.

    4. Passionate, spontaneous sex on the kitchen floor is:
    A. Healthy, creative love-play.
    B. Not the sort of thing your wife/girlfriend would agree to.
    C. Not the sort of thing your wife/girlfriend needs to ever find out

    5. Spending the whole night cuddling a woman you’ve just had sex with is:
    A. The very best part of the experience.
    B. The second best part of the experience.
    C. $100 extra.

    6. Your wife/girlfriend says she’s gained five pounds in the last month.
    You tell her that it is:
    A. Of no consequence to how you love her and your affectionate feelings
    for her.
    B. Not a problem, she can join your gym if she’d like to.
    C. A very conservative estimate.

    7. You think today’s sensitive, caring man is:
    A. An important model to strive for.
    B. A myth or an oxymoron.
    C. A moron.

    8. Foreplay is to sex as:
    A. An appetizer is to entree.
    B. Primer is to paint.
    C. A long line is to an amusement park ride.

    9. Which of the following are you most likely to find yourself saying at
    the end of a relationship?
    A. “This time together has been meaningful for me. I hope we can still
    be friends.”
    B. “I’m not in right now, please leave a message at the beep.”
    C. “Welcome to Dumpsville. Population: YOU!!!”

    10. A woman who is uncomfortable watching you masturbate:
    A. Probably needs a little more time, understanding, and gentle
    encouragement before she can cope with that sort of intimacy.
    B. Is uptight and a waste of time.
    C. Shouldn’t have sat next to you on the bus in the first place.

    Evaluating Results:

    * If you answered “A” more than 7 times, check inside your pants to be
    sure you ARE a man.
    * If you answered “B” more than 7 times, check into therapy.

    * If you answered “C” more than 7 times, YOU DA MAN!


    Mick D

    And Moto thought he was clever carrying 75 sausages for the barbeque…He’s got Nothing!!!



    Jenny Meyers

    A paki just stopped me in the street and asked me the quickest way to the hospital….

    So i pushed the c*#t under a bus!!


    Jenny Meyers

    A blonde goes into Harvey Norman looking for curtains for her PC,
    the assistant says “you dont need curtains for a computer”!!
    Blonde says HELLOOO!! I’ve got f^*kin WINDOWS.

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