Well here is the Kings Report
I will try to do a report every month of what the king has been up too.
After being voted as OBT King for the year I wasted no time in getting on with the job.
Straight after Mount Seaview, I was off to Canberra to meet Kevin, one leader to another.

After my visit with Kevin it was off to inspect the Kings military. I have organised one of these to clear any logs that are on the next ADV ride.

Then a visit to the local tribes to discuss more land for riding.

A quick stop at the Australian Mint. The King needs his own OBT money

After a long day of shaking hands and kissing babies, I thought I might sneak out from my motel for a little relaxation time.
This is where I experienced what the paparazzi are all about, after leaving the local club they were waiting out the front. No wonder the royal family and the famous get angry with them.

Till next month
King Strucky