Knee Probs

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    Dwayne O

    I have been having some dramas with the troublesome knee lately, so much that I rode the KLX for the forst time in 4 weeks last night which is unusual indeed for me (being the Super Commuter & all) :laugh:

    I have been to the quack last week, had the xrays got into Ortho Surgeon the next day (lucky me) and he has agreed that my medial meniscus is torn again (as it was 12 years ago last time),,, but he has put me off till I have an MRI on the 24th May. He says that he may opt to even leave the tear to heal itself, which when I did that last time it attached itself to the Femur & had to be cut & scrapd away with an arthroscopy anyway 6 months later :blink:

    So the reason for this long winded post is to see if you guys (the masses of knowledge) :laugh: have had any simlar injuries in the past & any recommendations to go forward with the healng process???

    I was all prepared to go straight in immediately for the op last week & was rather bummed when he sent me off for the MRI, as it meant another 3 weeks till I get back to see him for the next visit!!!

    All I want to do is ride & enjoy the cooler season :laugh:



    Gees Beags that’s no good mate, know nothing about knees but know a good shoulder guy mate :laugh: Mick has a far amount of knee experience maybe he can shed some light :blink: I hope whatever happens your recovery is as speedy and trouble free as my shoulder has been, I have pulled up after the weekend pain free :)




    Seems to me [farther stormy] that you need the laying of hands on your knee mate ole farther stormy can do this for ya , for a small donation to my fridge bloke lol lol :blink: :blink:


    Dwayne O

    stormpatrol wrote:

    Seems to me [farther stormy] that you need the laying of hands on your knee mate ole farther stormy can do this for ya , for a small donation to my fridge bloke lol lol :blink: :blink:

    I don`t think so bloke :blink:
    The thing was going fine after the 3 week wait to get to the GP,,,, then,, all hell broke loose when she manipulated it this way & that :blink: :angry:
    She even commented in a shocked tone “Shit, it is in a bad way & definitely torn”

    Funny that, as I had already told her that it was the medial before she laid a hand on me.
    All I went there for was the referral :blink: :blink:



    You will be right mate.

    I’ve got some special medicine that cures all that ales ya. (for a little while that is)

    I will hook you up with some ;) in the near future.

    But I reckon you all ready know what it is :)

    Get it sorted mate and you will back out in the bush in no time :)


    Aaron Wilde

    Cartilage injuries suck ass i think the only things that suck nearly as much are broken scaphoid bones or death. They take ages to fix and lots of money. I have only had arthroscopes that clean rough edges up but with probs like you got not much. Have heard about people having their cartilage scraped off and grown but didnt hear how that worked. Sounds good i hope it wasnt BS. I have watched two hip replacements and one knee you dont wanna go there as they have a limited life. Being young will make them not recomended any way. Good luck. Good Orthopedic surgeons are expensive and waiting times are very long.


    Medial meniscus will heal itself if you minimise load bearing for a period and cartilage is yet to be replaced with any real dergree of success.
    Building up the muscles around the knee joint and taking regular glucosomine are your best bet. Stabilise it with some rest and then start some non shearing weight exercises and make your legs strong enough to compensate for knee instabilities. It is possible to even compensate for an ACL rupture by doing this so you should be ok. The chance of it attaching to the femur again are very slim.

    Good luck



    Dwayne O

    Cheers Boys,
    I have been a big fan of Glucosamine for the past 12 yrs (with Chondroitin anti inflam) ;)

    My knee ligaments etc are good apparently, probably due to my weekly tennis comp that I plan to keep doing as soon as I get it sorted. My friday arvo`s hour thrash with Moto on the court is good exercise too (for both of us) :P him being some 11 yrs my junior :laugh: :laugh:
    I think that an arthroscope again is a far quicker fix to get it sorted & back on the bike & tennis court as it is now back to where I was 4 weeks ago prior to the manipulation etc (Damn Doc) :laugh:




    Sucks having a crook knee.

    Many years ago i tore me anterior cruciate ligament and cartlidge. How it was done was i broke my golden rule of cricket and turned to take a second run.

    Anyway the ACL grafted itself to the other ligament to form one thick ligament instead of two. And i have been back another two time to have cartlidge out.

    My advice is to take fish oil tablets and take it easy for at least six months after surgery. By taking it easy i mean try not to make sudden sidways movement or change direction as the joint will be unstable.

    Hope it gets better.


    Hey Beags,

    I had an arthroscopy on my left knee just 4 weeks ago today! To repair a torn Lateral Meniscus.
    After resting it and a bit of light physio for the first 3 weeks all is good. I had no problem with it on the zig zag to sofala ride on the weekend, in fact I think it helped the knee slightly.

    Not sure how this type of injury compares to yours but hope this gives you an idea! All the best

    justo ;)



    has anyone got any tips for a dislocated shoulder, have youbeen off work all this time eagle02 im on my 3rd day at home and board shi tless if i go to do anything i just hurt the shoulder



    PS 3 and OBT saved my life after my shoulder surgery get a PS 3 :laugh:



    Hi Eagle,

    I’ve had my fair share of knee operations. Dislocated my left patella and tore the meniscus (playing netball) and on the right knee I disintegrated my ACL/PCL/MCL and meniscus (kiteboarding).

    My advice to you is as follows:

    1. MUST have MRI to determine what type of meniscus tear
    2. Have an orthopaedic surgeon that specialises in knees only.
    3. Whilst waiting for prognosis do lots of quad exercises. You can do these easily without compromising your knee or putting weight on it. PM me and I can give you some direction. The operation will cause your quad to deteriorate.
    4. If you have swelling now you need to get it down using ice. You don’t want scar tissue forming. Anti inflam pills are effective but not good for stomach lining. Get some anti inflam cream – Voltaren. I buy it in bucket loads as my knees are stuffed after each ride.
    5. The after op exercises/physio is critical but you need professional direction on do’s/don’ts.

    PM me if you want to discuss further.


    Dwayne O

    I knew there would be some knee tragics on here other than me :laugh:

    Justo,, Thats great to hear you are back on the bike so quick, on a big ride too ;)
    Thats why I was keen to go straight in last week for mine, as I remember the recovery being quick the last tme I had it done & that was 12 yrs ago,,, procedures are 12 yrs better now & the said time to be off work is only 4 days :)

    NO Huskybloke,,, I am working every night (dogwatch) and managing the discomfort with Nurofen, neoprene knee guard & keeping active as much as possible…

    Kat,,, I might just pm you for the details on the quad exercises, I have a great surgeon the does specialise in knees. David Nicholson in Charlestown, my old doc retired last Oct :blink: :angry: but this one has taken his practice over in the same location, so all is good there :) :) :)
    I do have voltaren emugel & hadn`t thought to use that last week when it would have been handy :laugh: thanx for the reminder

    Thanx again all


    Steve Wyeth

    Jesus H Christ Beags, I thought you would’ve had surgery by now and be ready for a gam this Friday!

    Sorry to hear it’s still gammy, you were so keen for the op when we last played tennis. I hope they sort you out soon and you’re back on the bike/court in no time. It definitely is a good workout, I may be 11 years your junior but I don’t play in a weekly comp like you so you still get me running my arse off! :laugh:

    If you want to borrow my whole PS3 games and Blu rays just shout and they’re yours :)

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