Knee Probs

This topic contains 31 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Jason Green 14 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #177950

    Mick D

    EAGLE`02 wrote:

    I doo habe voltaren emugel

    What language is that Eagle?? Or are you abusing your medication?? :laugh:


    Dwayne O

    :laugh: most prabably,, just got out of bed again this arvo :P :woohoo:



    micknmeld wrote:

    EAGLE`02 wrote:

    I doo habe voltaren emugel

    What language is that Eagle?? Or are you abusing your medication?? :laugh:

    Thats a change he normally self abuses :P



    Dwayne O

    moto wrote:

    Jesus H Christ Beags, I thought you would’ve had surgery by now and be ready for a gam this Friday!

    Sorry to hear it’s still gammy, you were so keen for the op when we last played tennis. I hope they sort you out soon and you’re back on the bike/court in no time. It definitely is a good workout, I may be 11 years your junior but I don’t play in a weekly comp like you so you still get me running my arse off! :laugh:

    If you want to borrow my whole PS3 games and Blu rays just shout and they’re yours :)

    I thought the same mate :dry: So much for speedy service when you pay top privaye cover hey??? Nyway, the doc is thorough & comes well recommended so I wil listen to him. THE MRI is the long wait actually, have to book it & wait your turn (2 weeks wait)

    I will be back mobile again soon & the courts wil be on fire once more :laugh:


    Dwayne O

    Trailboss wrote:

    micknmeld wrote:

    EAGLE`02 wrote:

    I doo habe voltaren emugel

    What language is that Eagle?? Or are you abusing your medication?? :laugh:

    Thats a change he normally self abuses :P


    :laugh: Isn`t it called SELF GRATIFICATION ??? :P
    Thankyou for the input Gregory :blink:


    Mick D

    It is self abuse if you get caught :blush:



    i have developed a bakers cyst behind the knee anyone know anything on them or what they do…


    Dwayne O

    mongo wrote:

    i have developed a bakers cyst behind the knee anyone know anything on them or what they do…

    No but apparently they are brought on by knee cartilage tears :blink:

    Have you had damage to the said knee in the past mate ???

    You can google it & there are some good tips on the management of them etc

    My wife has a Ganglion cyst on the back of her wrist, which she is having surgically removed soon. They are caused by damage to the ligaments & tendons. Can be syringed to remove the fluid, better to be removed apparently :unsure:

    Seems these Cysts are closely related & caused by similar injuries,,,,


    Dwayne O

    Damn it,
    Now I finally have the lowdown on the damage, after weeks of doctors visits, XRays, MRI scan etc etc

    Have a torn medial meniscus, which is in need of stitching together to stop further tearing & eventual full knee lockup :unsure:
    Also have developed a Cyst in the joint due to nowhere for the fluid to escape to, so it builds up on one side of the joint (the torn side)

    Apparently I could have left it unattended if I wish, but it will continue to tear right across & the knee will eventually lock up all together instead of the occasional locking that happens now :blink:

    So in I go in 3 weeks for the repair (just around the long weekend to stuff up my camping plans :angry: )
    Here is a pic of the scan showing the tear & cyst with red (circle around them) ,, very interesting how much the MRI can show up. There was actually 9 full sheets with about a dozen images per sheet.
    Sort of makes up for the $600 pricetag of the scan I suppose :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Meniscal_TEAR.jpg



    Ok… you have achieved the first big hurdle… confirming what the real damage is.

    You need to prepare for the next hurdle… the operation.

    DO your QUAD exercises.
    Get your freezer ready to have lots of ice.
    Do your research and/or speak to a physio now to ready yourself for both before and after the operation.
    Buy large tube of anti-inflamatory cream.

    Best of luck… Katgirl… I feel your pain…


    Mark Bunting

    Jeepers Eagle I was wondering why you were joining the burger flipping team.

    I hope it all goes well mate.

    We should re-name this site Old Bull Invalids :laugh:


    Dwayne O

    Op went well yesterday, Doc says it should be a good result from the repair :)
    But F&@k it is hard to sleep with a stiff leg(even when dosed up on Panadeine Forte) :laugh:

    Will be on the mend in the next 4 to 6 weeks. Not allowed to ride till the 6 is up though at least just incase I tear it again :huh: :huh: :unsure: :blink:

    Thank god for OBT,Bigpond Movies & dirtbike dvds for the next week at home :laugh: :laugh:

    Cheers All



    EAGLE`02 wrote:

    Op went well yesterday, Doc says it should be a good result from the repair :)
    But F&@k it is hard to sleep with a stiff leg(even when dosed up on Panadeine Forte) :laugh:

    Will be on the mend in the next 4 to 6 weeks. Not allowed to ride till the 6 is up though at least just incase I tear it again :huh: :huh: :unsure: :blink:

    Thank god for OBT,Bigpond Movies & dirtbike dvds for the next week at home :laugh: :laugh:

    Cheers All

    heres to a swift recovery beagle, do that physio stuff and why your at it buy a suzuki :laugh: :laugh:




    Do as you are told Beags you will be all good



    Get well soon Eag’s, I hope it all heals well for you.

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