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  • #103496

    Hi all, just bought a 990 and about to start setting it up and wondering who does good panniers. bang for buck cheers


    Alan Roots

    I use Andy Strapz panniers on my 950 , Steel Ponies are also an alternative , with frames , try to buy ones that have the panniers as far forward as you can , helps with handling in the loose stuff .
    I use Dalby Moto frames and rack combo .



    Sorry OFBM I have had both and swapped my Andys after I had done everything he suggested to make them water proof and got the end of a days ride and my bags had water in them again :unsure: . Go water proof Pep and Andy’s aren’t I have had both and Wolfman are awesome given you don’t have to wrap you gear in extra bags etc to be water proof. Also PTW slid his bike down the road this year on his wolf man bags and I mean bitumen road and didn’t tear the bag at all. They attach more securely and don’t move around, my Andy’s that I liked until I used something better needed 3 straps each bag before I was happy with their attachment and they wouldn’t move. Adventure moto you will get a better deal being an old bull as well. Ring me if you want and I will organise you a deal with Steve.


    The adventure moto web site


    Steve also does the steel ponies etc
    0499 089715



    Dwayne O

    +1 on all the above that TB mentioned Pep ;)
    I have TB`s old Andy`s bags and they are now well past being handy on a decent trip. Damn they did some miles though and suffered a few scrapes along the trail and rocks at times :whistle:

    Am now using Wolfman Expedition bags from Steve @ Adventuremoto and they are the schniz. Simple, fast yet very secure to attach and as watertight as you can possibly get :) :)

    On another note,,,
    Are you the founding member of the new Tamworthian ADV posse ???
    If you are, be sure to deny memberships to both Boony & Snowy :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :P

    Cheers mate


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    On another note,,,
    Are you the founding member of the new Tamworthian ADV posse ???
    If you are, be sure to deny memberships to both Boony & Snowy :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :P

    Christopher Columbus thought the world was flat too, once he discovered it wasn’t there was no holding him back and he saw it all and had a ball. Let Boony and Snowy continue thinking the world is flat :laugh:



    Trailboss wrote:
    PTW slid his bike down the road this year on his wolf man bags and I mean bitumen road and didn’t tear the bag at all.

    Really !!!!! Did you have to bring that up again :P :laugh:
    Pep, the crash was the result of a swinging forearm to the face as I was making a legal outside overtaking manoeuvre. B)

    Wolfman bags for sure mate, securing my Andy’s is more difficult then my wolfmans and they look way cooler B) :laugh: :laugh:

    Easier, tougher, waterproof, plus when you fill them you can compress them really well.



    was thinking about the hard panniers. are the good or bad compared to the wolfman (soft0 ones



    Ive had both the aluminum panniers & the wolfman panniers on my 690

    Aluminum Panniers

    Hold more stuff
    easier to access
    easier to attach

    Be careful not to get your leg caught under the pannier or you will break your ankle
    Wide… in twin track the pannier catches the scrub on the edge of the track
    Dents with rocks thrown up from other bike when in convey
    Doesn’t pull up too well when dragged along a cement causeway ay 60k
    Not waterproof especially thru fast causeways

    Wolfman Packs

    Fully waterproof
    Soft side won’t hurt your leg
    small ie not too wide on your bike
    Can take a decent slide down the road without tearing

    Fiddly to attach to bike
    A bit small for long trips
    need to be careful of hard edges when packing (have had a spanner puncher the side)
    Clasps can break when hit by branches & rocks but are replaceable.

    Theirs my 2 cents worth PEP


    simon burke

    Snowy is gunna be pissed :laugh:
    He will probably suggest you use milk crates :P
    Good on ya Pep B)
    Poor bike :laugh:
    Bol :woohoo:


    cheers try hard great points……now milk crates…..that’s an idea…just put everything in shopping bags. hail king bollocks lol

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