ktm stack = busted humerus

Home Forums General Bike Talk ktm stack = busted humerus

This topic contains 18 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Eric Smith 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #240390

    Ouch that looks and sounded nasty. Gotta watch those MX tracks they will suck you in to thinking your got the skills of Chad Reed.


    Mick D

    Nothing worse than riding along having fun then all of a sudden you aren’t! Good luck with the recovery.




    Adrian Gale

    Going for a ride then Nek minute you are on your bum.

    Get well soon Waz. :)


    Eric Smith

    Chaysus, that looked bad and the result was as bad as it looked. All the best for a swift recovery… B)

Viewing 4 posts - 16 through 19 (of 19 total)

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