Kye 64

Home Forums Introduce Yourself Kye 64

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Alex 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #104740


    Hi Obs.Kye 64 is an ob member .He recently raced kamufar (prob wrong spelling)race up north.
    he was winning till passing a lapped rider and drowned his bike.Think Wonka won it again.
    Well any way he kept heading to Erzburg to have a go. Was going well but timed out.
    But anyway he has some shirts,hoodies and jumpers for sale.This is to fund the trips and help the next one.
    Sea to Sea or something like that.
    Look him up on bookface/facebook Kye Anderson.
    Any support to help him would be great.
    thanks Toes



    Impressive, thanks for letting us know Toes. All the best to Kye, sounds like great experiences.

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