Laser Eye Surgery

This topic contains 50 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  glenn 15 years, 3 months ago.

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    KylieD wrote:

    DanD wrote:

    Jeez Kyles I could save us some cash you know.

    I’ve got one of those laser pointers, lets just go out into the shed and I’ll have a go at it. How hard could it be, I’ve researced it all on the internet so that in effect makes me qualified doesn’t it Dr Kylie (medicine woman)? :P :P :P

    (thats where you got your doctorite on everything wasn’t it) :huh: :ohmy: :P

    Of course. It’s also where I earned my degree called ‘Learn how to be a know it all wife and drive her husband crazy’. That one was a bachelor course funnily enough. :laugh:

    So should we now call you Professor Kylie now cause you obviously passed that degree with the highest of distinctions. Cause shit your good at driving me crazy, insane, mentally challanged etc etc etc. :P :) :)


    Brett B

    There are a couple of negatives.

    Dan – yours is that she will see what you look like.

    Kylie – yours is you will ride slower as you can see what the track really looks like.



    Good luck with it Kylie I’ll be wishing you all the best! I watched with trepidation as you approached a swimming pool size puddle on that wet west wallsend ride and I thought for sure you were going to ride into it so I know first hand why you need it! I also know first hand how deep and cold the puddles were that day and I can see fine! :p



    For what it’s worth Kylie, ask them to tell you exactly what they are going to do just before they start.
    This is a proceedure they have done with me in hospitals before adding or removing hardware (long story).

    They will probably do this anyway but if you have any doubts about what they say, question them until you are confident or you can stop it going ahead.

    I am sure it will go well :)



    WikdBeemer wrote:

    This is a proceedure they have done with me in hospitals before adding or removing hardware (long story).

    :ohmy: Is there something we should know!?



    Moto wrote:

    WikdBeemer wrote:

    This is a proceedure they have done with me in hospitals before adding or removing hardware (long story).

    :ohmy: Is there something we should know!?

    Yeah Wikd, what happened? I like long stories.

    Wait I know you are you the bionic man, having hardware added and removed.



    Blacky wrote:

    There are a couple of negatives.

    Dan – yours is that she will see what you look like.

    Kylie – yours is you will ride slower as you can see what the track really looks like.

    Nah Blacky it’s all good. Once she has it done I am going to poke her in the eyes, I can’t have her being able to see to well as she:

    1. will see what I look like, and
    2. she might be able to ride better than me when she can see :blush:



    What are you on Dan? Since when does having a sex change make you bionic? If I knew that I would have done it much earlier than I did.



    Moto wrote:

    What are you on Dan? Since when does having a sex change make you bionic? If I knew that I would have done it much earlier than I did.

    Holy crap a bionic sex change. I might go and get one, I want laser beam nipples though :ohmy:


    Jason Green

    As I said before Kylie laser surgery has come along way since its first conception and try not to worry as long as you trust your opthalmologist the down side is once its over you won’t need specs anymore and you will see how ugly Dan is and I won’t be able to sell you a pair of specs maybe you will wan’t a new pair of sunnies good luck with the procedure B)


    Mick D

    Is the Laser place in Newcastle in Watt Street??



    micknmeld wrote:

    Is the Laser place in Newcastle in Watt Street??

    Nah we are going to Sydney for it Mick – Chatswood I think Kylie said.



    micknmeld wrote:

    Is the Laser place in Newcastle in Watt Street??

    No mick it does say in about 10 earlier posts that its in Sydney mate :blush:



    Mick D

    Please re read my post. I was asking if the one in Newcastle happened to be the one in Watt street.I used to take my Grandfather there.

    Last time he saw anything ever, was in that surgery. Went in with some vision came out legally blind. That was in the early days of laser surgery though.



    micknmeld wrote:

    Is the Laser place in Newcastle in Watt Street??

    Still doesnt say that unless I know what your thinking chief :laugh:


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