Leaving on a Jetplane

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This topic contains 22 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Peter 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #102775

    Well I am off.
    Left Newcastle airport this morning and who should I be seated next to?

    Plane was delayed on the ground and again in the air so I had to rush to make my connecting flight here in Brisbane. I fared better than Ace though, he missed his flight to mackay altogether.


    Jeffro wrote:
    Well I am off.
    Left Newcastle airport this morning and who should I be seated next to?

    Whats the odds :ohmy: :ohmy: make a good trip sitting to him ;)



    Take your you ugly bastard look forward to a trail or three on your return


    Yep…. As snowy said :laugh: ;)


    simon burke

    Plenty of ride reports from Indonesia please ;)
    Lots of pics with you,7 chooks,3 pigs,4 kids and a pineapple perched on your head on one of those little bikes. :silly:

    Enjoy your time over there mate ;)

    Bol :woohoo:



    Just made it Jeffro as the doors were closing and the attendant was hurling abuse at me :laugh: :laugh:

    Good luck over there mate. ;)


    Dwayne O

    Geez, I missed out on having that beer with ya Jeffro :S
    Mate, I know you will keep in touch as our official OBT Indonesian Correspondant, (got that from Ace) :laugh:

    When coming home for a visit be sure to let us know so I can organise a catchup , BBQ, dinner or a beer or three, four, five or six :cheer:

    Cheers Mate


    Nick Jackson

    Good luck overseas mate and have fun :)

    Look forward to a ride on your return :woohoo:



    Mick D

    Gunna miss you at the birthday party mate. Look after yourself mate. Catch up with you when you get back.



    Thanks Guys.

    I am not sure there will be any riding over here, it is only a small island from what I can gather but with a big population.

    Sorry about not getting a beer with you Eagle, I left some stuff a bit late and was flat out trying to get things finished and organised before I left. I missed out on a beer with a few people actually.


    Hope all goes well, Jeffro.
    Try not to forget us


    Adam Rodgers

    Good luck Jeffro ;)

    Enjoy your time over there :)



    Good luck Jeffro, hope it works out for you ;)
    No doubt you will still be on OBT and be able to get your fix while you are away

    Trailraider wrote:
    No doubt you will still be on OBT and be able to get your fix while you are away

    Mate I am relying on it!!! :woohoo:



    Jeffro we will pay the same retainer as we pay moderators to be the indonesian correspondent we will even give you a pay rise from nothing to nothing

    Chris & TB
    as decided at the practice board meeting will be motioned at the real board meeting wednesday..

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