Long live the two stroke

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  murph the surf 10 years, 11 months ago.

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    Some of you might remember my young bloke riding this 98 RMX250 and last years Christmas party and making us all look silly. Well the $1500 Gumtree special is still going strong. I grabbed a few photos during a weekend of training for the young fella, it occurred to me that it’s a 17 year old kid on a 17 year old bike. His race bike this year is a 2014 RMZ250 but he still enjoys the “old school bike” as he calls it.
    Thought I’d share for those of us that owned one at some stage.



    Got to luv those two stroke

    Great photos Bussy223, I bet the young bloke is enjoying the new toy


    King Strucky


    Hail the King, yes the stable is full now with five yellow ones, going to be a busy year.

    Hope you’re feeling better too.




    Nice shots!


    Great photos


    Mick D

    I remember the day you got it, a quick carbyectamy and away she went like a scalded cat! To think it has stood up to Matt’s abuse is testament to what a good bike the RMX is.


    Nick Jackson

    Great pics busy , I remember him well from last year :woohoo:




    Great pics takes me back to when I owned that bike rode it every weekend out the back blocks of mullion creek and at free flight before I moved to Tamworth and sold it. Good to see it giving enjoyment to another rider.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    Wow on the pictures Protty :woohoo: Ollie must be at sea or he would have chimed in by now on how the RMX is the greatest bike ever made ;)
    Oh and the model gas gas he owns ;) oh yeah and the 360 husky :laugh: and whatever else he has in the shed :laugh: :laugh:

    Cool that the bike was Teds before as well


    TrailBoss wrote:
    Wow on the pictures Protty :woohoo: Ollie must be at sea or he would have chimed in by now on how the RMX is the greatest bike ever made ;)
    Oh and the model gas gas he owns ;) oh yeah and the 360 husky :laugh: and whatever else he has in the shed :laugh: :laugh:

    Cool that the bike was Teds before as well


    Great Photos, Busy.

    Pretty sure Ollie is looking for the ill fated plane in the Indian Ocean WA, TB.


    Hey Ted, didn’t realise it was yours. She has had a little work since but nothing major, it dropped it’s top ring and tried to ram half of it out through the side of the pot so it now sports a fresh piston etc and the young fella found the limits of the suspension pretty quickly so it’s been redone.

    2015 will see a 250 stroker thats registrable coming from Honda so here’s hoping Suzuki do the same.

    We are actually hatching a plan for him to ride our thing at a fairly big event later in the year and it just might raise a few eyebrows when he turns up on the old gigger, we’ll keep you posted.

    cheers mate

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