Looking for a new home

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  • #125729

    Dwayne O

    Now there will be something at Moto`s place to make use of ALL THAT SPARE SPACE:P
    Looks like the billiards table isn`t required now hey mate ???

    Good work on adopting Sam though:) Good to see him with a new lovable home,,,,
    And good on Kylie & Dan for making sure he got some great new parents:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

    WAIT NOW BOYS FOR THE DOG STORIES TO START, :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


    EAGLE`02 wrote:

    Now there will be something at Moto`s place to make use of ALL THAT SPARE SPACE:P
    Looks like the billiards table isn`t required now hey mate ???

    Good work on adopting Sam though:) Good to see him with a new lovable home,,,,
    And good on Kylie & Dan for making sure he got some great new parents:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

    WAIT NOW BOYS FOR THE DOG STORIES TO START, :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    yeah, now hes got someone else bar TB to argue with….
    …and he’ll always get the last word in:P :P :P :P :P


    Dwayne O

    He can argue all he wants, but the dog will always win (Tyne will be his backup):laugh:

    Someone else might end up in the DOGHOUSE if he`s not careful,,,,,,


    ……someone to blame his farts on:P


    ………someone he can keep up with on his bike:P


    Dwayne O

    menace wrote:

    ……someone to blame his farts on:P

    Jacks Links Farts that is:huh: :ohmy: :blush: :blush:


    Eric Smith

    Good stuff moto! Well done mate! Hope you, Tyne and Sam get along well, be patient with him, he’ll be a pup for a while yet! And please bring him along if you come out our way, to meet our pups and have a game with them!:)



    nice work tiger tyne
    don’t let sam roll ya.

    nah, let sam roll ya.:side:

    you have to invite the d’s up to visit him.
    the the little d’s just can’t go cold sam.

    oh, the d’s have a ginea pig investation too. grab a bag of them too.

    maybe main jet and sam will have to take turns being obt mascot.



    TB, Tyne read the thread and said you can go and get f**ked, which is funny really as I couldn’t have said it better myself :laugh:

    Cheers for all the well wishes guys, we are excited to have Sam come to our little family. I need to go and fence off a bit of the garden now to make sure the little monkey doesn’t escape!

    A trip to a pet shop to go get the necessary stuff will be in order too :)

    ECKS – If we are ever near your way with Sam we will surely stop by :)

    As mentioned on the phone Dan, anytime you guys feel like stopping by to see him just give me a shout, you’d all be more than welcome.



    Hey I put well wishes to, would be worried if she wasnt there to look after you and the dog but :laugh:

    Nah we have a dog as you know I think its great Kieran loves the dog and his Kato happy he is out of the puppy stage but, I had a lab as a kid, mum always talks about how me and that dog where everywhere together (we lived on 60 acres)




    Yeah we had a black lab when I was younger then a greyhound cross Rhodesian ridgeback, he was a cool dog, he could rip and turn on a dime. I used to love watch him whoop all the local greyhounds out in the (UK) bush :)

    Looking forward to getting Sam, might give Dan a call and try for tomorrow arvo……



    Moto wrote:

    Yeah we had a black lab when I was younger then a greyhound cross Rhodesian ridgeback, he was a cool dog, he could rip and turn on a dime. I used to love watch him whoop all the local greyhounds out in the (UK) bush :)

    Looking forward to getting Sam, might give Dan a call and try for tomorrow arvo……

    Hey Moto, we’ve actually got a kennel for him too if you want it but I don’t know how you could get it home. Let me know if you are interested in it and we’ll see if we can work something out. It’s really good because Daniel built it. Also Ecksman is right. Labradors get into mischief until they are around 3 years old. I know you said that Tyne’s family had a labrador so I’m assuming that you know this but I just wanted to make sure.


    dont worry moto, my dog is 12 and still thinks he is a puppy:laugh:


    Congrates on the new member of the family Moto. I,m sure he’ll love it there in the bay, most labs love the water.

    Now ya just need to kit him out.






    Young Sam would look pretty cool in the KTM collar and matching lead.

    KTM – SAM

    I am very happy that Mr and Mrs Moto are taking Sam the man, looks like he is going to be a very happy labby with his new family.

    Tomorrow arvo sounds good Moto. I will PM my mobile number in case I am not home when you ring.

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