Low life scum of the earth STOLEN BIKE 2007 450X

Home Forums General Bike Talk Low life scum of the earth STOLEN BIKE 2007 450X

This topic contains 49 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 16 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #110195

    yeah i looked at boulders ride and it looks nice but imagine a set of S&M’s very bling you know what TB say’s its all about the bling if you can’t ride then at least look like you can


    have a rum and relax would you should refer to you as the drill sgt



    Hey Chop, you gonna open the window and lung a bunger again.. That was funny




    Its all good mate, nite



    what happened at the screen printer chris



    You don’t want to know $$$$$$$$



    Will ring you in two minutes ok





    Nick Gilbert

    Sons of bitches! I was furious enough when thieving bastards pinched my MTB, let alone having your pride and joy dirt bike flogged! What the hell is wrong with this country, seems to be going down hill quickly. Need to bring back physical punishment as children, and harsher convictions for these such crimes. Maybe that would sort a few out. Im sure everyone here wouldnt mind taking a baseball bat to the knees of all those criminals out there.


    Peter Daniel

    Damn, hope the cops get em damn low lives.

    If only they had some belongings of their own that they loved and someone else took from them, then they may understand the pain they cause just for a joy ride!



    5h1f7y wrote:

    Damn, hope the cops get em damn low lives.

    If only they had some belongings of their own that they loved and someone else took from them, then they may understand the pain they cause just for a joy ride!

    They have. They’re called testicles.


    Bruce Curtis

    i truly feel for you on this…..I had my XT200 stolen when i was 16 yrs and 10 months old….yep it was my only form of transport,even traded my beloved previous years race prepped RM for deposit… 1 month old & I bought it on H/P while on slave wages (junior rates $67.35 a week)walked out of work at 5.35pm to see the powerpole i had chained it to was empty….still burns me up 26 years later, cause the insurance company wiggled out of it and i ended up paying for a bike for 3 years that I had for three weeks.

    Call me cynical but our bikes are never left out unless fixed inside the rear of the rodeo with kryptonite wire rope, and only left in plain sight while i pay for the fuel. Otherwise they are chained to the floor shackle and through a wall stud, all power & manual cutting tools are locked in a steel cabinet, (large boltcutters are locked in another shed 20 metres away) all of this is inside a double lined timber shed, with only one access door, double deadbolted, inside another larger Shed/enclosed carports, behind a locked 5′ steel gate, 30 mteres down my driveway with another set of steel gates at the very front, 6′ fences on all sides bar the front (4′ cyclone) down cul de sac, with lots of stay at home Mums and retirees, all sides neighbours have large roaming dogs, and i have my loyal four legged, tail wagging “security guards” (the Alpha and my old mate, the smartest fella died 8 weeks ago, but he taught the others all of his 15 years worth of tricks).

    Gunna have our bikes stolen from the house?…not bloody likely they’ll go around the corner and scope out someones elses place first.

    I feel for any poor bugger who works hard to allow themselves a little pleasure, for some good for naught lazy scum to see it and just assume they are entitled to just take it.

    Rant over

    Just Mr Blue



    So which shed specifically are the bolt cutters in Bruce? :p

    Seriously though, I don’t know what I’d do if I caught someone trying to steal my bike. I’m glad we’re not like America and can’t have guns in the home because in the heat of the moment and extreme rage seesing soemone blatantly trying to steal my bike I probably would shoot them. Then I would really be in trouble. It sucks how it works.



    Just a note to say they got the guys that stole chops bike, really have no more details as such at the moment chop rang me and told me and when I got home shane VOR PM’d me to tell that they had been caught, how did you know Shane?



    Dwayne O

    That`s awsome news,
    Hope the scumbags get hammered for a heap of stuff, they sound like they need it after heisting a few bikes.:angry:

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