Low life scum of the earth STOLEN BIKE 2007 450X

Home Forums General Bike Talk Low life scum of the earth STOLEN BIKE 2007 450X

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    I think shane has got a good fancy dress outfit ;)



    Good news….lets hope he gets his bike back in one piece


    thanx fellas just got back from windsor police. id tell u the aholesname however i probably get sued but ill discuss more tommorrow. he was one of our crooks who jumped parole about 3 months ago and it seems he has been on the run stealing since then. the boys asked if i wanted to interview him, i would luv to have but its not my brief.anyway a dt on his way to work saw the stolen vehicle and radioed it in. the idiot thought it would be smart to drive 130ks throgh 50 zones and then attempt to bale. the boys said he was very saw, i thought metho would have been i good idea to kill any germs. no news about the bike when they searchedthe car it was full of kids games and consoles and heaps of other stuff oh yeah a childrens motorbike, ahole. any way the ahole is locked and not going anywhere soon


    Mick D

    great,but I still don’t think justice is done untill you see the CRF again…Good luck with it.



    At least he’s locked up. Caaaarrrrnt:angry:

    So when does the 530 get delivered?:P


    Mick D

    moto wrote:

    At least he’s locked up. Caaaarrrrnt:angry:

    So when does the 530 get delivered?:P

    HMMMMMMMMM…………….530……go on do it, great bike.



    He had a ride of one yesterday and seemed to like it. I offered him a go on mine but I think he was put off by the thought that he might blow up any minute with all the fuel leaking onto the header pipe.

    I say harden the phark up :laugh:


    Mick D

    Any news on the bike recovery Chopper?



    More to the point, any news on the conviction of the thief who robbed it?


    Bruce Curtis

    Gees Moto, I’m not sure how it works in the old blighty, but here the courts will have to set a pre-trial hearng, a triaildate, a blah blah hearing if he’s actually found guilty convicted, all this takes TIME lotsa TIMe, nothing happens fast, except the thief taking your bike, that happens really fast.
    Although maybe it would be better if it did happen quickly ie;

    :angry: you steal bike?
    👿 no your worship wasn’t me I swear!
    :angry: you guilty, bring firing squad in!
    👿 but but but
    :angry: No but, but, you guilty…ready aim Fire!
    :angry: Right now bring on next case of theft of dirtbike…. causefiring squad already assembed and ready.

    Mmm maybe not a good idea after all.

    Mr Blue



    If you’re caught in the UK you are generally in court and senteced within 2-3 days. Quite often the next day after spending the night in the slammer. A big trial (murder/armed robbery) would have pre-trial hearing and all that jazz.


    Mick D

    moto wrote:

    If you’re caught in the UK you are generally in court and senteced within 2-3 days. Quite often the next day after spending the night in the slammer. A big trial (murder/armed robbery) would have pre-trial hearing and all that jazz.

    50 lashes and deported to Terra Australis???



    Wouldn’t that be good! Near where I live there was a little (old) stone bridge that had a plaque stating that anyone caught defacing of damaging the bridge and convicted of such crime would be deported to Australia. I was going to hire a crane and rip mit to pieces!! :p


    Bruce Curtis

    probably would be the same here too Moto, except i seem to remember they can ask for a jury trial.
    Is interesting that the UK is so much swifter in dispensing justice though.

    still doesn’t bring back the bike I s’pose, mongrel thieving scum……




    Most of them would get let off with a pathetic time anyway. Especially if it’s the firt time…

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