LT 50 Bogging down

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  John 12 years, 9 months ago.

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    I took my young bloke out yesterday for his first real hit out on his 87 LT 50.

    Started no worries and ran fine for about 5 minutes then started to bog down to the point of stalling when the throttle was opened up. It would idle fine but anything over half throttle and it would die as if the choke was on.

    Any ideas ?


    Matt Baker

    I was riding up at Bobs place a few weeks ago and his sons JR 50 was struggling pretty hard, took of the pipe and burnt out all the “spooge” with an oxy and it is now going like a champion.

    Ps I assume the quad is a 2 stroke??


    LC4skin wrote:
    I was riding up at Bobs place a few weeks ago and his sons JR 50 was struggling pretty hard, took of the pipe and burnt out all the “spooge” with an oxy and it is now going like a champion.

    Ps I assume the quad is a 2 stroke??

    Yeh 2 stroke. I rekon it is something to do with the carby but i’m not the most mechanically minded hence the question. But i will check out the pipe.


    Bob Dowsett
    LC4skin wrote:
    I was riding up at Bobs place a few weeks ago and his sons JR 50 was struggling pretty hard, took of the pipe and burnt out all the “spooge” with an oxy and it is now going like a champion.

    Ps I assume the quad is a 2 stroke??

    Sounds very simmilar find a gas torch or oxy and burn her up ..
    You will then have evil kenevil on your hands I did
    If u don’t want him going to fast you better leave more in than i did


    Ian Kersley

    Hi Jak

    Had a simular thing with my old trike and found a wasp had built a nest in the intake through the frame . cleaned the carby

    , air cleaner , checked valve clearance , checked valve timing before i found the problem . So do the easy checks first .

    Check the intake tube and air cleaner . new spark plug – 2 strokes eat plugs . and burn the pipe out as sujested is a good





    On my young blokes 1988 JR50 it had a washer fitted by the factory as a restricter inside the exhaust where it bolted to the head. Took it out and his ran like a charm and still does to this day.



    Thanks all. I will have a play around with all the ideas.



    Bit late getting back to this one. Done all the above and still had problems. Cleaned carby, replaced the needle and throttle valve and the bike hasnt looked back. For a 25 year old bike it runs like a gem.

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