
Home Forums General Bike Talk Mick

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 16 years, 9 months ago.

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    How about the Yellow mountain ride Mick you be there for that? Its a great weekend that race weekend that.
    Did you see that side plate I scored hows that for a prize, spoke with our friends up there they know you, their boys race, CRF150 and KX 65 just built a new house on the hill, he installs pools worked it out dont want to say names on here


    Mick D

    Yep, I know exactly who you are talking about, as a matter of fact I saw them today at the races. Their eldest bloke won his class on the crf150.
    How the hell did you work that connection out??? It certainly is a small world.



    Well you live near them, you have a special garage full of special toys, but it was through your daughters racing we worked it out.


    Mick D

    Yeah, from time to time I do have some good things in my shed, sometimes people come to my shed and go :ohmy: . Actually things are a bit quiet at the moment , there is only 10 bikes in the shed as we speak and what is worse, none of those are for sale!!!!
    But watch this space I am working on that problem now.


    Mick D

    Actually now I think about it, the pic of the bikes on the log was taken very close to said pool installers house. I would say within 1-2 km.

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