Mick does a RiderX Boot camp

Home Forums Ride Reports Mick does a RiderX Boot camp

This topic contains 25 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 16 years, 5 months ago.

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    You should have a go at the hardcore one then Mick. Really test yourself :p



    So Mick what was that he lead us on the other afternoon, when rider X lead us along? That was pretty tight going, the only problem I had was the little blue speed hump holding me up on the big 650! Although it was tight and slippery and I was told it shouldnt suit the bigger bikes that was great mixture of all sorts, or does X lead more through that 1st gear bike boiling stuff where he had a dirt nap when we got to the end? What did you call that section?


    xr torcher

    rider x is looking forward to your next visit there will be no blue speed hump so get fit



    Karma for your nice reply X, good to see some sprit. You didnt answer my question what type of riding do you do, is it the first gear Jarassic Park style or the stuff you lead us through on the end of the ride which was phat!

    I do look forward to coming up there and doing the same riding we did last time, if its tighter then that and you only cover 60kms in 5 hrs, I like most wouldnt call that fun riding with my mates?



    xr torcher

    you will be smiling cry en huffing and puff en but you will enjoy and you wont wont boil your beloved bling bling bike . tripper hase done a loop and came home in one piece smiling you will have to wait till next trip cant tell to munch thats why i am called riderx



    I am there mate


    PS Trippers bike is not liquid cooled, so it cant boil! :blush:


    Mick D

    Trailboss wrote:

    I am there mate


    PS Trippers bike is not liquid cooled, so it cant boil! :blush:

    As it turns out it isn’t oil cooled either……DOH…..:dry:



    xr torcher that cracks me up X nice name, whats the go do you have some sort of problem with XR’s.

    I thought you called yourself X for other reasons :woohoo:



    The same problem everyone has with XR’s, they are old, heavy and slow :p


    Mick D

    SLOW isn’t an adjective I would use to describe TB’s BRP!!!:S



    TB’s bike is special though and is far from what I would call standard. Which an injection of cash most bike can be made to go pretty well, not saying TB’s didn’t when it was standard but you know what I mean :)

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