Micknmeld’s Shed

Home Forums Your Garage Micknmeld’s Shed

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    Mick D

    The shamozel that is my shed.
    What is in there?
    1981 PW50
    1981 YZ50
    1994 XR630 (Chris)
    2000 XR630
    2000 PW50
    2003 KTM Pro Senior
    2005 KTM Mini Adventure
    2006 KX85
    2007 KTM 990 Adventure (Ant)
    2008 KTM 530 EXC-R (Ant)

    Arriving soon
    06 CR85
    05 KX65
    05 KTM Pro Senior

    Here is my XR and my other pride and joy. My 52″ Penny farthing


    The XR mods so far,
    HRC 630 kit from new
    Renthal fat bars
    38mm Mikuni Flat slide
    Cracked head light.

    My son Connor’s KX85 (great little machine)

    Mods to the KX are.
    Pro Taper Bars and risers
    Works Connection Radiator brace
    IMS pro series foot pegs


    Nick Gilbert

    i am jealous of that shed Mick! I’ll try upload some pics of where i keep the crf at the moment…. You may laugh, i only cringe!!!:S



    I dont know why we put the Garage forum in Mick or why I bothered with my post knowing whats in your shed ! Thats what the inside of every mans shed should be, plus a RUM fridge !
    Very very nice!


    Mick D

    Trouble is I have 2 cars and a boat that no longer fit in the shed and every now and then the missus reminds me of that.
    She was talking about extending the shed yesterday which was a good thing.She did have a beer in her hand at the time. Gawd she is a good woman!!!
    BTW there is also a pretty good beer and bait fridge in there as well. Plus a dunny.



    Good woman yes!But still no mention of RUM, RUM!!!!!!!!!!!
    Must have rum
    No really I put in a new shed with two alarms and all the bikes go in there, we live in a good area, the alarms are to make my insurance cheaper!


    Mick D

    RUM!!!!! Rum is made from Bull’s balls and boxing gloves.
    Last time I drank rum in the shed, I forgot to nip the sump plug up on my KTM250sx which didn’t end pretty on the next ride. I do believe KTMRAT was there as well,hence the fact that there was Rum in the shed.



    micknmeld wrote:

    RUM!!!!! Rum is made from Bull’s balls and boxing gloves.

    Mick Mick Mick, sorry champ you have just gone down a peg in my book. ( thought you would have to dig a hole to go down ) ha ha

    :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:



    Well Mick, you’ve ruined this whole thread, who is going to post theirs after seeing that!!!!
    I should post a pic, you might see a KLX, a pw80 and a pw50, but mostly you’d probably see computer carcasses and bits of computers etc etc, all over the place… I squeeze the bikes in JUST..




    RUM What RUM I thought that was Coke ……I think????



    Hey Mick, why the change in pics, did u feel sorry for us!!



    Yeah why the changes?


    Mick D

    My old man always said, never use your trump card first and I just forgot.
    Na, I just decided to set up my garage in a different strain.


    Mick D

    Trippers 1994 XR630.
    The XR was bought off the internet for $2600. She was a bit rougher than the description on the internet when it arrived.
    The main reason we got it was, it had a reasonably new 630 kit in it.
    The kickstarter recoil spring was knackered,which was a bigger job than expected.The actual kickstarter pedal was totally worn out as well, so worn in fact that your foot would slip off and your shin would crack into the footpeg if you tried to kick it. The carby was worn out and you couldn’t get the thing to idle steady.
    The rear suspension bearings were flogged out. Some clown had painted the whole bike with a paint brush .Once you got it fire, it went like the clappers. So we had the makings of a project bike. There is a heap of frustration when dealing with someone else’s stuff ups but a hell a lot of satisfaction from bringing a bike back from the dead.
    This how it looked when it arrived…….
    Not real pretty!!!!
    Anyhow we set to work on the old girl.
    Kick starter mechanism plus gaskets $180
    Kickstarter $187
    Rear shock bearings $80
    Chris took the plastics and painted them with genuine CAT paint (free.pinched from Ant’s workshop)
    CAT stickers, carton of beer
    Pro taper bars, $90
    Headlight guard, stolen from a CAT D5 and adapted to fit.
    Home made sump guard made from scrap cost, nominal.
    Set of aftermarket blinkers $44
    Assorted seals,she was leaking a bit, $18
    miscellaneous stuff,$80
    Fitted the carby of my XR after I fitted the mikuni.
    A bit of elbow grease and a few cartons of Tooheys and this is how she looks now…..

    A heap better I think. A bit of work and now Chris has a bike that will last for years and hold its own out in the bush all for the cost of $3400
    Although I have noticed she now has a leaking tappet cover and one fork seal.
    Another excuse to spend a night in the shed drinking a few coldies.


    Nick Gilbert

    here’s my ‘shed’….. well the only work area i can get! not pretty i know, but at least i can tinker!



    Wheres the picture chiefgili ?

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