Micknmeld’s Shed

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This topic contains 101 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  drew 13 years, 10 months ago.

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    Nick Gilbert

    when i hit submit it said the pic file was too large, not sure how to shrink it!


    Mick D

    Anyone that has followed me through the bush, (if they can stand the roost) would know one of the standard blinkers on the XR flopps around like a bastard, so last night I did a blinkerectemy on the BRP, I am sure it is 20kg lighter, well it now looks less bulky anyhow and one less thing to hang up on trees in the bush.



    Nice shed Mick! I want a project bike to play with. I might see about shipping my old Gas Gas 350 trials bike out from the UK, pretty tidy but needs some engine/brake work.


    Mick D

    I have imported a heap of bikes (38) in the last two years so if you need to know how and what the pitfalls are ask away.
    The government don’t make it all that easy the first time you do it.



    Cheers Mick. I may take you up on that, what are the import duties in Oz? It’s not worth much and I won’t need to compliance it for the road.

    It’s a bit old school but this it what it looks like:



    Mick D

    I also just bought an 05 YZ250F,it will be here in a couple of months if anyone is interested in buying it for $4500.
    Also 06 CR85 $3300
    05 KX65 $2800
    Hopefully November.



    Are you buying these bikes from the states? I take it you buy them and sell them on for a few clams extra?


    Mick D

    Nah, not the states the bikes over there have had the bejeezus flogged out of them.(I have seen some US imports) I buy them at the auctions in Japan,it is just a hobby that pays ok and keeps us riding and the kids on new bikes every year.



    Sweet. I bought 2 cars from Japan and had them imported to the UK. It was quite enjoyable once I got the hang of what was required for the first one. I was going to import cars to sell on but never had a good enough contact in Japan to check the cars over at Auction. The auction grade doesn’t always tell the full story!


    Mick D

    It tells a better story than the auctions here do,I haven’t really bought a dud yet, going on the descriptions in Japan. Even as disjointed as they are, Japanese doesn’t translate that well into ENGRISH. Admittedly I have a really good contact that does the storage and shipping for me, I still do all the searching and buying over the internet though.


    Mick D

    Sorry Moto, I missed the question about import duties……..
    There are no import duties payable anymore (except on second hand exhaust systems), you pay 10% gst on the purchase price of the bike ,the cost of the shipping and the insurance.
    You also have to apply to import the bike through DOTARS and there is a $50 application fee. Quarantine will want to wash your bike as well,no matter how clean it is and they usually sting you $100 for that as well.
    You said it was your bike already?? You may also be eligable to import it as a personal import which would allow you to register it regardless of ADR’s, but that is a whole different kettle of fish.
    The easiest way to import them is to bring them in as an off road vehicle,but that way it can never be registered for road use which doesn’t matter for the bikes I import as they are all motocrossers.



    Cheers for the info Mick, sounds like it wouldn’t be too expensive to get the old girl over here.


    Mick D

    Especially if you have a reciept that says you only paid $500 for it.



    I don’t any receipts for it now. I bought it new when I was 16! I had other bikes at the time from my sponsor, but for some reason was hell bent on buying my own. My dad loaned me the money, those were the days….


    Mick D

    That certainly made some more space in my shed, Ant loaded up the two big pumpkins and is moving to Melbourne and will be looking for some new riding buddies..


    See ya mate Happy trails……


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