This is a most inspiring piece of the country. From views that you could almost see your house from, Bitter cold of an Autum day and around the next corner was as warm as a fat lady’s armpit, a bit of rain to keep down the dust & if you the thirsty type, rivers deep enough to drown a bike or 3. The DP Cafe at Ensay had a great burger & service, the dog even leaves you a present. Dargo as a whole is unbelievably bike friendly. And the Scott’s working in the store kept Joe amused for hours. His put on Scottish accent for them was regarded as the best Pakistani they had heard.LOL
If you’re going to the Vic High country you couldn’t get a better group of lads.
The House was nice, bunk beds are always rough, and I didn’t hear the snoring. The place backed onto the river as well and was only a small stumble home from the Pub. Well done Mick, he had everything sorted perfectly.
And thanks to Ken for his welcome Jindabyne piece of paradise.

See Mark was there!

You have to admit the names are amusing ( small mind)

Ensay Lunch

Been everywhere man

The Digs

Haunted stream was a blast. More More…… Over knee deep in places. Drowned bikes, steep hills, lifting 8 bikes over a log jam well over hip height. And for me, a night run home with no lights and no moon. Thanks to Joe punting along side of me for light, we got faster & faster and when we recognised the last 20km it was on for young & old. A bit scary when Joe lofted the front as everything when black. What a buzz. And then sprawling in the pub still quite moist shovelling & swilling in the grub & finest local draft.

Billy Goats Bluff is a bit of fun but keep going into the clouds and up to the Pinnacles.

A Hut

Dargo put on a show

Climbing up out of Dargo

Hotham Altitude

Mt Pinnibar

Wayne finding North with his new watch