Home Forums For Sale For Sale MICK’S MEGA SHED CLEAN OUT SALE.

This topic contains 29 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Chris 13 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #206498

    Dwayne O
    pete the wulf wrote:
    If anyone else has brought something off Mick and can pick it up from Newcastle I will be happy to bring it down for them.

    Well you might as well bring the other water tank back for me too Pete ;)
    I am in Newy, so no biggy to pick it up from you mate :)
    Give me a yell when you have it & I will arrange pickup

    Cheers mate


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    pete the wulf wrote:
    If anyone else has brought something off Mick and can pick it up from Newcastle I will be happy to bring it down for them.

    Well you might as well bring the other water tank back for me too Pete ;)
    I am in Newy, so no biggy to pick it up from you mate :)
    Give me a yell when you have it & I will arrange pickup

    Cheers mate

    No dramas
    1 water tank for Eagle on the list


    Dwayne O

    Cheers Mate,,,

    See Mick, this OBT thing is also great for offloading stuff ya no longer want hey ??? :laugh:


    Mick D

    Is that next week Pete?? We can have a mini mid week shed party……LOL


    micknmeld wrote:
    Is that next week Pete?? We can have a mini mid week shed party……LOL

    It will be this week mate if that’s alright with you. We have a funeral on wed and coming home thurs.


    pete the wulf wrote:
    micknmeld wrote:
    axel wrote:
    I’m keen on the fuel tank Mick, have to work out how to get hold of it…. maybe can pick it up on the way to the WRC.
    I know some IT buffs that will make some offer on the IT if Boony gets cheap on you.

    OK Axel the tank is yours, if you want it.

    Boony is out of the equation re; the IT. I have someone else interested in the IT at the moment but it is first in best dressed at this stage.

    I will be up at dads on wed and thurs and I can pic the tank up if axle can get from Newcastle. Not sure if that helps

    G’day Pete, you know that might be an idea. Newy is much more accessible for me. If it’s convenient and you have somewhere to put the sucker in the meantime that would be fantastic. Worst case scenario I will be that way in a month but hoping sister in law can pick it up on the way here before then. Cheer mate! ;)


    axel wrote:
    pete the wulf wrote:
    micknmeld wrote:
    axel wrote:
    I’m keen on the fuel tank Mick, have to work out how to get hold of it…. maybe can pick it up on the way to the WRC.
    I know some IT buffs that will make some offer on the IT if Boony gets cheap on you.

    OK Axel the tank is yours, if you want it.

    Boony is out of the equation re; the IT. I have someone else interested in the IT at the moment but it is first in best dressed at this stage.

    I will be up at dads on wed and thurs and I can pic the tank up if axle can get from Newcastle. Not sure if that helps

    G’day Pete, you know that might be an idea. Newy is much more accessible for me. If it’s convenient and you have somewhere to put the sucker in the meantime that would be fantastic. Worst case scenario I will be that way in a month but hoping sister in law can pick it up on the way here before then. Cheer mate! ;)

    It’s all good mate, I will grab it and bring back with me and you can pick it up when you get the chance, don’t freak out, i dont care if it takes you a month to pic it up I have the room.







    Hey Mick can I grab one of those XR600 rear Gaurds for my 500 ?

    cheers mate



    Mick D
    Ollie wrote:
    Hey Mick can I grab one of those XR600 rear Gaurds for my 500 ?

    cheers mate


    Yep no worries Ollie what colour do you want?? LOL
    I think I have one off a late 80’s drum brake model that might even match the colour of yours, I will have a dig around and see what is there this arvo. Other wise I know the one off my old 630 is there for sure. You wont want the subframe though will you?



    probably not want the subframe but you never know I will have to have a look in the man cave :laugh:



    micknmeld wrote:
    Ollie wrote:
    Hey Mick can I grab one of those XR600 rear Gaurds for my 500 ?

    cheers mate


    Yep no worries Ollie what colour do you want?? LOL
    I think I have one off a late 80’s drum brake model that might even match the colour of yours, I will have a dig around and see what is there this arvo. Other wise I know the one off my old 630 is there for sure. You wont want the subframe though will you?

    I just had a look at the 81 XR500 and it appears that they dont have a subframe as such its all one piece :laugh:




    Bump on transport to Newcastle.
    If anyone has bought something off Mick and would like it transported to newscastle I am already bringing some things back so I don’t mind bringing more.
    Let me or Mick know before 4:30 tomorrow afternoon.


    I will give you a ring tonight Mick.



    Are you coming through tamworth?


    pete the wulf wrote:
    Bump on transport to Newcastle.
    If anyone has bought something off Mick and would like it transported to newscastle I am already bringing some things back so I don’t mind bringing more.
    Let me or Mick know before 4:30 tomorrow afternoon.


    I will give you a ring tonight Mick.

    Your a champion Pete, thats the old bull spirit….. Delivery to the blue mounains would be better, although I didn’ buy anything.

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