More “ish” than 2 – Nowra 12 Feb

Home Forums Ride Reports More “ish” than 2 – Nowra 12 Feb

This topic contains 50 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Cathi Meredith 14 years ago.

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    Ok Guy’s the final one for me on the day:evil:
    CathiM doing the walk of shame:woohoo:
    She dose look a bit R.S don’t she?:ohmy: A beer will fix it
    The look from the top of Cassier fire trail and yas that is CathiM
    Here she is going for it at about half way and all good:cheer:
    Taking a little rest brake now
    To everyone thanks for a good time and will do it again. Would of loved to got the guy in the water hole- seen it and it was very :whistle: um lost for words- no hell – very funny!!



    I went out on a ride on Monkey ‘Butt’ track today. It looks the same one these wonderful riders had fun on..I made it up in 1 go on the cook’s XT250 with standard tyres…it was chopped up but so much fun!


    great pics mallee
    it was a great ride if you are ever keen to ride up my way let me no



    A bit of the video I took on the day.



    Great vido there Riggs!!:) I was just waiting for Cath to give it a bit of throttle and shower you in

    Cath: you need to go straight for the mud puddles as show to us by Wazzup and I showed you
    how to go throught the big bog hole on the power line track:huh: (not).

    It was a fun day:laugh:


    mallee wrote:
    Cath: you need to go straight for the mud puddles as show to us by Wazzup and I showed you
    how to go throught the big bog hole on the power line track:huh: (not).

    Going straight in, full throttle is my usual style :woohoo: but it was taking too many years off Riggs life when he had to watch (and wade in to rescue me) :ohmy: so I was trying to be good. I did still manage to have one muddy swim :blush: but fortunately the memory card on the helmet cam was full by then, lol.

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