Moto 30 tomorrow?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 15 years, 5 months ago.

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    I noticed in the birthday colum that its Motos birthday tomorrow, haven’t you already had a birthday this year Moto.


    Mick D

    DanD wrote:

    I noticed in the birthday colum that its Motos birthday tomorrow, haven’t you already had a birthday this year Moto.

    Double dipper he is, that bloody Moto!! He has already had his 30th,whats going on there?



    Yeah he has added it today the homo :blink:



    Bruce Curtis

    Since when is 30 “old” ?

    he should be on “young Pups Bling Bling, I’m still in nappies forums” shouldn’t he?

    Like they say, you can’t get that silly playing with just one…… ;)


    BTW have a good one Olde’ Chap.


    All lies. No way Moto is only 30, he looks shit loads older than that.


    It seems like a set up to get more presents at Louee. I too remember him having his birthday already.
    Study this photo carefully and you can clearly see that he is over 30. That is me on the left and Moto on the right and I am pushing 40 so there is no way he is 29. :P


    I just did a quick google search and found that dogs have 7 years to a humans one and moles have two to our one so it could be possible that he is having another birthday already :laugh:





    I though I’d be like the Queen and have 2 Birthday’s this year, I am English after all :laugh:

    It’s not my Birthday today, it was May 30th but I have just turned 30 :)

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