Motocool, what is it ?

Home Forums General Bike Talk Motocool, what is it ?

This topic contains 142 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 15 years, 1 month ago.

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    Ktmrat wrote:

    TB we have not out engineered anyone, it is mearly what was worked out in the 30’s and 40’s by several motor manufacturers, no smoke and mirrors, and as you know I am an obsessive compulsive about bikes, also there are several race teams in all sorts of motor sports that reroute coolant for various reasons, so,….
    when you really think you have your head around it , its not until you realise a little about something, and then you work out you dont know a lot about it at all

    Dave thats the biggest shuffle of shit I have ever seen on the website and there is some shit here, you answered nothing, you just danced around and spat dribble

    ” its not until you realise a little about something, and then you work out you dont know a lot about it at all”

    What the hell, you are doing nothing to convince me or anybody with that, if there is something to it your not helping Bull’s cause with that explanation if thats what you call it




    Looks like someone needs to open the thermostat on this topic to cool it down. Or is it close the thermostat a little, to slow the flow, to cool it down, or maybe use diffusers to direct the flow…or is it…. bah! :blink:



    axel wrote:

    Looks like someone needs to open the thermostat on this topic to cool it down. Or is it close the thermostat a little, to slow the flow, to cool i down, or maybe use diffusers to direct the flow…or is it…. bah! :blink:

    If we still had the karma system I would have given you 1 for that:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    Nah all cool here :laugh: , laughing because I cant get a sensible answer, is there a sensible answer Dave?




    Trailboss wrote:

    Ktmrat wrote:

    TB we have not out engineered anyone, it is mearly what was worked out in the 30’s and 40’s by several motor manufacturers, no smoke and mirrors, and as you know I am an obsessive compulsive about bikes, also there are several race teams in all sorts of motor sports that reroute coolant for various reasons, so,….
    when you really think you have your head around it , its not until you realise a little about something, and then you work out you dont know a lot about it at all

    Dave thats the biggest shuffle of shit I have ever seen on the website and there is some shit here, you answered nothing, you just danced around and spat dribble

    ” its not until you realise a little about something, and then you work out you dont know a lot about it at all”

    What the hell, you are doing nothing to convince me or anybody with that, if there is something to it your not helping Bull’s cause with that explanation if thats what you call it


    Hey TB lets not go down the road of the biggest shit slinger, I can’t win that one my friend, and you know it

    So not one to be blamed for shit shuffling let me explain my shit shuffling comment one more time for the dummies…

    Its not until you realise a little about something(and here it means you think you have the function of the cooling system in hand) and than you work out you dont know a lot about it at all, (and here this means the operation of the cooling system is not at all as you thought and now you have to relearn what you thought you already learnt and knew before), so to recap

    “Its not until you realise a little about something, and then you work out you dont know a lot about it at all”

    No crock of shit there just some outside the square thinking TB:P :P :P

    No convincing of anything, just sharing, after all you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink… you want an explanation for that as well:laugh: :laugh:



    Trailboss wrote:

    Nah all cool here :laugh: , laughing because I cant get a sensible answer, is there a sensible answer Dave?


    is there a sensible Dave:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    this thread is almost cowpatt corner material….

    now everybody assume the lotus position, take a deep breath and say “Ooommmmm…Ooommmmm”:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    There you go Dave, just remember where I work and what I do for a living, thats all shit Dave you have written, sorry but its all riddles.
    You either know and wont say, far enough why start the thread or you have no idea and have been sold sugar tablets

    Thats it for me, again Dave you know what I do for a living, you dont know my qualifications but that has nothing to do with you explaining to everybody here

    When you have something sensible we will continue ;)





    menace wrote:

    this thread is almost cowpatt corner material….

    now everybody assume the lotus position, take a deep breath and say “Ooommmmm…Ooommmmm”:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I am sure by our banter and phone calls is just healthy debate :P




    What we need to do is get 2 similar bikes (bar the Motocool treatment) and the same rider do say 4-5 laps around a mx track on each bike and compare times,the stop watch dont lieB)

    One of my trades is a Airconditioning refrigeration mechanic and the laws of thermodynamics is always being put to use, Often we have to slow down the flow of water from the heat exchanger to reduce the systems head pressure and also to reduce erosion of the cooling tubes.Food for thoughtB) I have mentioned this before,but after seeing some of Bulls work If I were racing I would be getting the Motocool treatment done.

    My 2c worth




    Trailboss wrote:

    menace wrote:

    this thread is almost cowpatt corner material….

    now everybody assume the lotus position, take a deep breath and say “Ooommmmm…Ooommmmm”:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I am sure by our banter and phone calls is just healthy debate :P


    Yes no dramas here mate all just healthy debate for sure, how else would we go forwards if we did not challenge what we think we understand



    Ollie wrote:

    What we need to do is get 2 similar bikes and the same rider do say 4-5 laps around a mx track on each bike and compare times,the stop watch dont lieB)

    One of my trades is a Airconditioning refrigeration mechanic and the laws of thermodynamics is always being put to use, Often we have to slow down the flow of water from the heat exchanger to reduce the systems head pressure and also to reduce erosion of the cooling tubes.Food for thoughtB) I have mentioned this before,but after seeing some of Bulls work If I were racing I would be getting the Motocool treatment done.

    My 2c worth


    Even better Ollie
    4 IDENTICAL bikes 2 riders 4 sets data loggers
    2 bikes with treatments done 2 without
    Riders ride same track same time then swap bikes
    after the first tests the bikes systems are swapped and the standard ones become the altered and the altered becomes the standard, all test are then rerun with rider swaps included.

    you would now have data to settle all debates, but be prepared for thinking changes and previous understandings need changing as well

    Been there done that, the thinking changes that is, not the 4 data loggers



    Yeh that would do it:laugh:




    Ktmrat wrote:

    Ollie wrote:

    What we need to do is get 2 similar bikes and the same rider do say 4-5 laps around a mx track on each bike and compare times,the stop watch dont lieB)

    One of my trades is a Airconditioning refrigeration mechanic and the laws of thermodynamics is always being put to use, Often we have to slow down the flow of water from the heat exchanger to reduce the systems head pressure and also to reduce erosion of the cooling tubes.Food for thoughtB) I have mentioned this before,but after seeing some of Bulls work If I were racing I would be getting the Motocool treatment done.

    My 2c worth


    Even better Ollie
    4 bikes 2 riders 4 sets data loggers
    2 bikes with treatments done 2 without
    Riders ride same track same time then swap bikes
    after the first tests the bikes systems are swapped and the standard ones become the altered and the altered becomes the standard, all test are then rerun with rider swaps included.

    you would now have data to settle all debates, but be prepared for thinking changes and previous understandings need changing as well

    Been there done that, the thinking changes that is, not the 4 data loggers

    Way to many variables there Rat 4 different bikes different engine conditions, MX tracks no good because lap times change with riders mistakes, I tell you what, I will pay for all the dyno runs before and after using the same bike, same engine condition at Battyes, under the conditions you nominate, you do the mods I will provide the bike KTM 85, everything is then in the open as you said before figures dont lie, brand new state of the art Dyno



    that a pretty shifty way of gettin the “fiddy” done TB, you sly old fox;)

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