Motocool, what is it ?

Home Forums General Bike Talk Motocool, what is it ?

This topic contains 142 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 15 years, 1 month ago.

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    Oh and dont forget my seat strap, do you need the measurements again :huh:



    TB as per our phone call’s recently and past
    I can only testify to this mod being done to the 50 and 60 class bikes because thats all I owned with the mods done to them, although I am still kicking myself in the butt for not taking Bulls offer at the time to do Betty, he begged me and I did not want my baby going to Melbourne with out me there and then getting torn down in some place thats not at home, he did a standard KTM 520 instead and it looked sweet when installed, He will have to tell you about that himself, Rum, Rum ,Rum….Bulls my best mate(till the rum’s gone) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Elbow …..arse………..which one do you wipe again :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    Thats close enough for me Dave ;) its not exactly it all but life’s to short to bother :laugh: :laugh:

    About my XR strap ?



    Eric Smith

    You know, I haven’t read this thread. I thought is was a technical discussion and as such was on a topic not of any interest to me.

    Wow, how wrong was I! smiley-happy092.gif

    You lot oughta be ashamed, some of these posts are ridiculous, chipping at each other “he said, she said blah blah blah!” smiley-taunt002.gif smiley-taunt008.gif

    Guys, this is Old Bulls! Get with it! If you have a disagreement over something that’s ok, but FFS keep things cool! smiley-taunt014.gif

    Dunno the story but the carry-on is woeful! smiley-scared001.gif

    Fergit this crap! Lets ride! smiley-transport026.gif



    Thats funny ECKS, it looks bad and as you said you havent read it all, its ok, trust me we have been speaking on the phone :laugh:

    ECKS Doctor feel good :P

    Its OBT its all good




    Hey Doctor ECKS/Phil, we took your advice and had therapy and all is good now I am ordering a Honda soon….Not, Happy now….. :P :P :P :P :P
    besides Its the OBT way matey

    I will say this to all here and now to end all confusion

    In life you have lots of Mates and few friends and TB is regarded as a friend in my books. I have no issues with the man and admire him and his crew that work to keep Old Bulls a happening thing, Good Work old Mate…or should I say friend :laugh: :laugh:

    Now Moto well thats a different story :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Just joking ya Pommy Git ;)


    Eric Smith

    Cheers guys, I had that impression (knew you are friends) but anyone reading this without that knowledge would think we are like a buncha bitchy little girls! :blink:

    Now you boys play nice! :kiss: :laugh:

    Dr ECKS! :laugh:


    Bruce Curtis

    Ok in Daves defence, he and I spoke about it after a week or so of this rubbish, I kept my word on silence and will continue to do so as it is him and Mr Bulls’ intellectual property to a certain degree. I caught on very early as to what they were up to, but only I think because I have had alot to do with “bush mechanics” and veteran engines in my youth. As I keep stating everything old is new again, as for the to and fro’ing a fair bit of pride got mixed up with logic in this arena.
    Also remember as with all data, computer analysis is only as good as the program behind it and the data inputed. Also remember a minerals based computer has not been invented that can take the leaps of intuition and logic that the organic computer can.

    sometimes the bleedin’ obvious is just that.
    and PDS doesn’t work very well either…

    Bruce Cee :P



    Mr Blue wrote:

    Ok in Daves defence, he and I spoke about it after a week or so of this rubbish, I kept my word on silence and will continue to do so as it is him and Mr Bulls’ intellectual property to a certain degree. I caught on very early as to what they were up to, but only I think because I have had alot to do with “bush mechanics” and veteran engines in my youth. As I keep stating everything old is new again, as for the to and fro’ing a fair bit of pride got mixed up with logic in this arena.
    Also remember as with all data, computer analysis is only as good as the program behind it and the data inputed. Also remember a minerals based computer has not been invented that can take the leaps of intuition and logic that the organic computer can.

    sometimes the bleedin’ obvious is just that.
    and PDS doesn’t work very well either…

    Bruce Cee :P

    PDS doesn’t work very well either… :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I nearly fell off the chair with that one Bruce…..Thanks anyway Mate and yes it is an old set of idea’s thats for sure



    Mr Blue wrote:

    Ok in Daves defence, he and I spoke about it after a week or so of this rubbish, I kept my word on silence and will continue to do so as it is him and Mr Bulls’ intellectual property to a certain degree.
    Bruce Cee :P

    Yeah we spoke as well and as much as I agree and understand I asked for some shit to be sorted and now it is thats all :laugh:

    The bit about PDS is funny :laugh:




    Mr Blue wrote:

    Ok in Daves defence, he and I spoke about it after a week or so of this rubbish, I kept my word on silence and will continue to do so as it is him and Mr Bulls’ intellectual property to a certain degree. I caught on very early as to what they were up to, but only I think because I have had alot to do with “bush mechanics” and veteran engines in my youth. As I keep stating everything old is new again, as for the to and fro’ing a fair bit of pride got mixed up with logic in this arena.
    Also remember as with all data, computer analysis is only as good as the program behind it and the data inputed. Also remember a minerals based computer has not been invented that can take the leaps of intuition and logic that the organic computer can.

    sometimes the bleedin’ obvious is just that.
    and PDS doesn’t work very well either…

    Bruce Cee :P

    I started to like you till the end bit :cheer: :laugh: :unsure:



    KTM Bull wrote:

    Mr Blue wrote:

    Ok in Daves defence, he and I spoke about it after a week or so of this rubbish, I kept my word on silence and will continue to do so as it is him and Mr Bulls’ intellectual property to a certain degree. I caught on very early as to what they were up to, but only I think because I have had alot to do with “bush mechanics” and veteran engines in my youth. As I keep stating everything old is new again, as for the to and fro’ing a fair bit of pride got mixed up with logic in this arena.
    Also remember as with all data, computer analysis is only as good as the program behind it and the data inputed. Also remember a minerals based computer has not been invented that can take the leaps of intuition and logic that the organic computer can.

    sometimes the bleedin’ obvious is just that.
    and PDS doesn’t work very well either…

    Bruce Cee :P

    I started to like you till the end bit :cheer: :laugh: :unsure:

    Feel sorry for him Bull, he rides blue


    Bruce Curtis

    And i used to ride orange, and still have the scars to prove it…. :S

    now lets talk up combustion chamber efficencies, got any ideas you two “snake oil” merchants??

    Bruce Cee (said very very much tongue in cheek)

    by the way PDS will never work well, just call it “Claytons suspension” you know almost as good but doesn’t quite hit the spot :P



    The funny thing about all this is i was showed all this about cooling systems and heaps more about valves, ringstacks ect in 1942 truck and tractor engine manual

    as Bruceiee says the more things change the more they stay the same



    Don’t start the PDS thing up again…. stick to the motocool bs and leave my bike’s suspension out of it…let the bitching resume.

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